Lettie is 3!

Our little princess is 3 today! I know I always say this but I can’t believe it. It seems like yesterday I held her in my arms for the first time and I looked down on those big eyes. More of her birth story and her cute pictures of when she was a baby here.  She has brought so much love and joy to our family! She is so much fun and I love having my little sidekick on all my little adventures, and shopping of course! She is so sweet and loves life! I asked her what she wanted for her Birthday this year and she said to blow out the candles and a cake haha. Here are 20 things about her and the things she loves. I asked her some of these questions and her answers were funny!

  1. She is a social butterfly. Loves her friends, and loves to play with them. Everyone is a friend to her. Everywhere we go she says thats my friend- even if she doesn’t know who they are haha. It’s so cute.
  2. She loves to dress up in her pretty dresses for church every sunday! She says she is a pretty princess.
  3.  Loves junk food and candy. She is the pickiest eater. I have to force her to eat healthy food.
  4. Has the cutest voice and says mines instead of mine.
  5. Loves her dad and loves to tease him.
  6. Favorite movie is Frozen and The Peanuts Movie.
  7. Favorite TV shows are- Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Dora.
  8. Favorite color is Pink.
  9. Favorite food is pizza and cereal.
  10. Loves her big bro Rowen and always wants to play with him and do what he does.
  11.  She has a little attitude and it’s hilarious but sometimes not so cute haha.
  12. Loves to go to gymnastics every week. But she doesn’t like to listen to her instructor and wants to do her own thing.
  13. She loves to be a couch potato, she would watch movies all day if I let her.
  14. Loves to help me cook in the kitchen. She just helped me make her B-day cake. She picked a sprinkle cake.
  15. She is a great morning person. Every morning she comes into our room jumping around and excited about everything!
  16.  Favorite animal is a pig.
  17.  Favorite toy is blocks.
  18. She calls sprite “spicy”
  19.  Loves her cousins
  20.  Favorite song- Better when I’m dancing by Meghan Trainer.

She is such a blessing in our lives and we are so blessed she is ours! Lettie Happy 3rd Birthday! We love you so much!  xx,


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