5 Things My Husband Would Love for Fathers Day + Fathers Day Interviews

Camping or Glamping by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Fathers Day is on Sunday!

Isn’t it fun to see Casey on here!? He doesn’t show his face very often on the blog, so it’s exciting when I get to embarrass him. haha I’m so grateful for this man, I love him more and more every day. He is such a good father, I love how much he likes spending time with his kids. I was in love when I married him but fell even more in love with him after we started having kids. Seriously though! He loves his girls and tells them every morning that they’re his princesses. My kids have been practicing their Fathers Day songs that they’re going to sing with all the other kids in church on Sunday and they’re getting pretty darn good. To gear up for the big day, I interviewed Rowen and Lettie and asked them a few questions about Casey. They mostly froze up and didn’t know what to say haha but I got them to give me a few answers!

Lettie’s Father Day Interview

For Work He: He works

He Loves To: Sports

He Always Says: To eat my whole sandwich

He Is Best At: He’s good at some playing football

He Is Not Very Good At: Doing my hair

My Dad And I Like To: Cuddle

He Loves Me Because: He’s says I’m his princess

I Love Him Because: He’s funny


Rowen’s Fathers Day Interview

For Work He: I think he helps people

He Loves To: Play with me

He Always Says: Clean up after myself

He Is Best At: He’s really good at slam dunk

He Is Not Very Good At: Running

My Dad And I Like To: Hang out, play and watch sports

He Loves Me Because: He’s my dad

I Love Him Because: He plays basket ball with me


For all of you last minute shoppers (guilty) I thought of five things I would actually get my husband for Fathers Day. Check them out!



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