Love your Hair with Dove


Hello readers! I’m excited to share this post with you all today because I think it is such an important issue to talk about!

I teamed up with Dove Hair to share their #LoveYourHair campaign and it’s all about gaining confidence at a young age! Earlier this year, Dove Hair found that 8 in 10 women feel pressure to wear their hair a certain way. So many women now days are extremely hard on themselves regarding their hair and it has become a topic of stress and anxiety instead of a source of confidence. No two people are alike and the same goes for your hair.

Everyone is born with different hair characteristics and it is so crucial as a mother to be the leading example to your daughters and show them how to have hair confidence. We all start gaining confidence at a young age, so talking positively with your daughter early on is so important. Dove Hair believes a positive role model can greatly impact a girl’s confidence. In fact, a recent Dove study found that 82% of girls learn to care about themselves from their mother.

The traditional idea of what beautiful hair is supposed to look like needs to be thrown out the window. Positivity about your hair, whatever it might look like, will help these young girls in our life gain the confidence they need and ultimately is what really makes someone beautiful! I love doing my daughter’s hair and the time we have to talk with each other while doing it. Make it a fun and encouraging time together! Here are three different hairstyles that Lettie loves me to do on her. Seeing her face light up afterwards as she looks in the mirror is always the best part.

Tell your daughter why you love her hair and inspire her to do the same by creating and sharing a custom #LoveYourHair animated message with Dove by visiting!

Thanks for stopping by to read! Now let’s all go love our hair! xx,


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