Dove Dry Shampoo

Dove Dry ShampooDove Dry ShampooGreta Hair with Dove Dry ShampooDove Dry ShampooDove Dry ShampooGreat Hair with Dove Dry ShampooGreat Hair with Dove Dry ShampooGreat Hair with Dove Dry ShampooDove Dry Shampoo
Hello readers!  I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas holiday and are ready to start fresh with a new year!  Today’s post is all about hair care and the love I have for using dry shampoo!  It has changed my life!  Remember back in high school when you’d have to wash and dry your hair every day?  So much time was wasted and it is terrible on your hair to wash that much!  Thank goodness Dry Shampoo came around!  I partnered with Dove and took on the Dove Hair #SkipsAWash Challenge. I have tried out so many different brands of dry shampoo, seriously everything up to the most expensive priced brands of dry shampoo.  I have never found anything that I like better or that works better than Dove Hair dry shampoo.  I have been using it for years now and it really is the best, better than any of the highest priced products out there!  The least amount of times you can get away with washing your hair throughout the week, the better.  I use the Dove Detox and Purify kind and your hair will thank you if you give it a few extra days without washing.  Take the Dove Hair #SkipAWash Challenge and see for yourself!  It will save on water and your hair will be stronger for it!  If you haven’t ever tried the Dove Dry Shampoo, go grab yourself a bottle today!  Thanks for reading!  XoXo


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