Switching up my fitness routine!

Jacket | Top | Yoga Pants | Sneakers | Hat | Sunnies

Swimsuit Top (old out but similar here and here)  | Swimsuit Bottoms | Hat

Guys, I finally got a fitness post up! I swear I have been meaning to post this for weeks now and it seems like the summer time is so dang busy with my kids and everything! It always takes me longer then it should, haha. I love when people talk and share their fitness ideas and tips. I also love to workout and eat healthy (aside from my treats here and there). I am not this body builder type that breaths and sleeps fitness, but it’s something that I love to do and it makes me always feel so much better and motivated after a good sweat. It’s never easy to bounce back after having babies. It always takes time. I am always thinking where do I start?  What should I do to drop weight the fastest?  I was working out mostly everyday before Londyn came, but after I had her I needed to switch up my workout and try something new. Right when I hit my 6 week mark after Londyn arrived, I was SO ready to get started on a fitness plan. I decided to try out my blogger friend Sara from Love by Lynn fitness routine. She has such a rockin’ body! She has a 1 year old and already has a 6 pack, so I knew it had to be good!  I started her workout at 6 weeks and have been doing it ever since, so the last 2 1/2 months. Her workouts are insane! They kick your butt every time, but you leave feeling like you had the best workout of your life. I have seen results and I will be posting before and after pics here soon. Here are some things to know about her workouts and my meal plan.


  • the workouts are 25-35 minutes, which is my favorite part. They are intense the whole time so you are getting a great burn and shedding fat.
  • There are 6 workouts for the week. I try to go all 6 times but some weeks I can only get to 4 or 5 workouts a week. I try not to miss any because each day it focuses on a new muscle group.
  • Most of her workouts include weights and cardio. So you get the best of both worlds, which I love.
  • It’s a 4 week program that you just repeat. I am on my 3 round.
  • You can order HERE. And it’s only $35, which is a steal- and totally worth it.

Here is a little bit about my eating and nutrition. Sara from Love by Lynn will talk about what she eats and her meal plan in her fitness routine you get. I use that plan and just modify it a bit for my body type. It’s the macro diet. I am new to this diet as far as counting your macros for your body type goes. I have recently started counting them and I will keep you updated on the results I see. Here is what my diet looks like most days and also a couple of my go to (easy) dinner recipes.


Breakfast: 2 egg whites + 1 egg, Half avocado mashed on wheat toast. Or protein pancakes (I use Love by Lynns recipe that comes with the fitness plan).
Snack: Zone bar (my favorite is mint chocolate)
Lunch: Salad with chicken or albacore tuna.
Snack: Brown rice cake + 1 tbsp of all natural Peanut butter.
Dinner: My go to recipes:
Option 1: 2 Chicken breasts (raw chicken), sweet potatoes and whatever veggies you want. I use red peppers, broccoli, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, and onions. Cut them all up and place in a pan. Drizzle olive oil and whatever seasoning you want. Bake at 500 for 17-20 minutes or until chicken and veggies look done. Top over brown rice and a little bit of low sodium soy sauce.
Option 2: Corn tortilla, shredded rotisserie chicken, black beans, gac, tomatoes, onions, lime, cilantro, lettuce. Top all of them to make a yummy taco or add more lettuce and top with salsa verda, Bolthouse dressing for a great salad.
After Workout Drink: Protein drink ( love these ones)
Snack: 1/2 cup of Halo top ice cream (my favorites are peanut butter cup & Oatmeal Cookie).

That’s a little bit of what I have been doing lately and have seen results so I had to share!  Like I said I am getting more into the macros and what is the right amount for my body, so I will do another post here soon talking more about it in more detail and before and after pics. Let me know if you have any questions and happy wednesday! xx,


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