Little Girls are the Cutest..

Presley 1st outfit: Sweater: Old Navy (on sale) | Top: Target  | Bottoms: Target | Sandals: Target | Bracelet: Miss Plunkett

Presley’s 2nd Outfit: Sweater: Old Navy | Dress: Target

Evyn’s 1st Oufit: Top: H&M (recent) | Overalls: H&M (recent) | Shoes: Native | Bow: Target

Evyn’s 2nd Outfit: Jacket: Old Navy | Dress: Target | Sandals: Target

These two beauties are my good friends Jocelyn and Miriam daughters. I was actually going to do a kid post and my son was suppose to be in the pictures with them but for some reason he already thinks girls have cooties. He literally wouldn’t even stand by them. It was a nightmare. That’s why we did the pastels post instead cause he would only take pictures with mama. Thanks goodness he doesn’t think I have cooties….yet. It worked out great cause these two are so cute and since I don’t have any girls of my own and I have been wanting to do a little girls fashion post anyways.  Aren’t they so adorable?! Thanks to there stylish mama’s. They are wearing two different outfits that go perfect for this time of year. And everything on them is affordable. Hope you guys enjoy it. Little girls are the cutest.

This Beautiful friend gal is the one that took these cute pictures, and many you have seen on the blog! And mama to the pretty little Blondie! She started her business Remember Me Photography about 9 years ago, to see more of here work click HERE and HERE. She is offering (for people in Utah or Vegas)  this month, anyone that mentions this post gets 20% off pictures. Its a great deal and she is a real pro. Check it out, you will love her amazing work!

Thanks so much for reading! Happy Monday!




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