Londyn is 6 Months + My kids are Triplets!

Since Londyn is 6 months now I thought it would be fun to go through some old photos the other day. I ran into Rowen and Lettie’s 6 months pictures and I had to share. I knew they all look like each other and apparently Casey and I only know how to make one baby haha, but I didn’t realize how much they really do look like each other. People always say how much are babies look alike and I have to agree. Aside from Londyn having more darker hair, they’re pretty much triplets. Here is all 3 of them at 6 months.

Rowen at 6 months:
Lettie 6 months
Londyn 6 Months

Are they triplets, or is it just me?! Like I said aside from Londyn having darker and more hair they look pretty much the same, haha. I would have to say Londyn’s personality is moresimilar to Rowen’s. She is hyper like Rowen and gets so excited about everything. For example every time I put her in her high chair to eat she is kicking her legs and raising her arms up and down in excitement, that’s exactly what Rowen use to do. He to this day gets excited about different things. Lettie on the other hand has always been more chill. She would watch movies all day if I let her. And she is such a picky eater.  Her are a few more things that Londyn does that are too cute. I had to write them down so I can always remember.
– Just started food and loves it. So far her favorites are carrots, sweet potatoes, and pears. Hates green beans and peas ( I don’t blame her). She shivers everything she would taste it haha.
– Loves bath time. Every time she hears the bath water she kicks her legs like crazy.
– Loves her bother and sister. Always laughing at them.
–  Always loves to do this loud squeal at the top of her lungs and it’s so funny and she thinks she quite funny herself. It’s hilarious.
– Doesn’t want to roll. She has done it a few times but hasn’t since. She is taking after her sister on this one.
–  Her front left bottom tooth just came through, explains why she didn’t want to sleep for me the last couple of weeks.
– Smiles all day long. She gives every body and anyone a smile.
– Babbles all day long. First words were ma ma and da da.
– She is 7% in height (she is tiny), and 10% in weight.
– She is still in 3 month clothes.

We love this girl SO much and so blessed she is ours. We couldn’t imagine life without her. I just can’t believe she is already 6 months :(.


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