Spring Shoes for the Win

Spring is here and so are spring shoes! Is anyone else celebrating this like I am?

Spring Shoes by Popular San Fransisco Lifestyle Blogger The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Spring Shoes for the Win by San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressSpring Shoes for the Win by San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressSpring Shoes for the Win by San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

My Dress  | Lettie’s Dress


I love my bright pink ankle strap heels. I also have them in a nude color as well, and I wear both all the time. I love these because the heel is thicker so they’re not hard to walk in. I usually wear these heels with dresses and skirts, maybe with a jump suit if I’m going out at night. I don’t typically wear these in the day unless I’m going to a fancy event. I’m also a fan of these hazel pumps that Lettie looks so good in!

Spring Shoes for the Win by San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress


If ya’ll know me at all, you know I love me my espadrilles! I might have too many, but can one really have too many?? My favorite ones are these from Sole Society, because they’re a little lower and a lot easier to walk in for every day wear. The higher ones (these and these) I wear more at night for dates or events because they’re little harder to walk in and a lot harder to chase toddlers in! (I wore some to the park after taking pictures a few weeks ago and they were not very conducive to playground wood chips… I think all the other moms thought I was crazy haha) But one thing I love about espadrilles is that they literally go with everything. Dressy, casual, jeans, dresses, you name it.

Spring Shoes for the Win by San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Slides & Flats

Slides and flats are really big right now- they’re some of my favorite spring shoes. I have a few pairs that I just love, but my favorite ones for summer are these Katy Mules. and these Greece Slides. I love that slides are super comfy and can be cute with jeans, shorts, casual dresses, etc… My favorite thing to wear to the pool or the beach are these criss cross sandals in the cognac color. I think I may have worn these for almost my entire Hawaii vacation, don’t judge! You can see them in this post too.

Spring Shoes for the Win by San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress


Lastly, my favorite spring sneakers are these blush pink Nike’s. They’re so comfy, and they go really well with jeans or your workout clothes. And lets be honest, I know there are other ladies out there that stay in their workout clothes all day long like me, so you need a few cute sneakers!




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