Londyn’s First Birthday Pictures

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressLondyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

I am in total disbelief that my little baby girl is already ONE! Let me tell you, the third kid grows up so much faster than the first two! haha We surprised Londyn in the morning with a bunch of balloons in her crib and we all sang happy birthday to her. She actually liked rolling around in all the balloons for kind of a long time! We made her pancakes for breakfast, which is her favorite. We love the Kodiak pancakes, she downs those things like you wouldn’t believe. I sang her Happy Birthday all day long and her new favorite song, Patty Cake, of course. That one always makes her smile, even though she doesn’t quite have the clapping down.

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressLondyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressLondyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressLondyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressLondyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressLondyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Londyn's First Birthday Pictures by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress


 Londyn’s Dress | Londyn’s Shoes  | Lettie’s Dress is old (similar and similar)
Rowan’s outfit is old (similar shirt, similar pants) | My Dress (sold out, similar) | My Shoes


We took the cutest first birthday pictures in the park next to our neighborhood and she was such a trooper! She was a little unsure at first when we plopped her on a blanket in the middle of a field haha but luckily we had some spare suckers. Give that girl a sucker, and she’s all smiles! She didn’t even want the cake, she was just happy with her sucker.

We ate dinner at Chick-fil-a (to be honest, we eat there every Thursday and I’m not ashamed!) so that the kids could play in the play place. Londyn’s still a little too small to play on all the toys, but the play place is a life saver for those older two with all the energy.

Londyn was the sweetest little newborn. I’ve been nursing her for all of this first year, and she’s been a champ the whole time. She’s super social and always smiles at people. She started sleeping through the night around 8 months. Her words now are thank you and uh oh. She absolutely loves food, especially anything with fruit. She started rolling over around 6 months and crawling around 10 months. Immediately once she started crawling, she started getting into everything within reach. Londyn’s been way happy and chill though, for her whole first year. She’s a dream baby and we love this girl so much. Happy Birthday Londyn!

I know that mothers always love their babies more than anyone else, but I’m pretty sure no one in their right mind wouldn’t like these first birthday pictures! Thanks for stopping by!




  1. Jayden
    April 5, 2018 / 4:46 pm

    Oops! You meant Londyn in the title, right?

    • Latisha
      April 9, 2018 / 11:47 pm

      haha yes! OMG! Can you believe that I can’t get all my kids names confused! Thank you girl! Just changed! xx

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