9 Swimsuit Cover Ups Under $30

9 Swimsuit Cover Ups Under $30 by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress9 Swimsuit Cover Ups Under $30 by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress9 Swimsuit Cover Ups Under $30 by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress9 Swimsuit Cover Ups Under $30 by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Swimsuit | Swimsuit Cover Up (almost sold out, similar) | Sandals | Sunnies

Sharing some of my favorite swimsuit cover ups today with you guys! I’m loving all the bright colors and especially the sarongs that have become super trendy this year. I also love the off the shoulder trend! There are so many cute off the shoulder swimsuit cover ups to choose from too. And the best part is, these are all under $30! Sometimes I like getting a few cheaper swimsuit cover ups because then you can switch it up for all those trips to the pool.

This summer we have a few big trips planned, but our main summer vacation is going to be in Utah for a few weeks to visit our family. Casey and I both have family in Utah, so we can visit both on one big trip. We always try to get over there ever year for at least 2 weeks because my kids just love hanging out with all their cousins and grandparents. It’s kind of sad being the only ones in California! But then I realize that we have amazing weather all year long and I don’t get sad anymore. haha

I’m so excited for our trip this year, though. It will be really fun seeing family, and I’m not going to lie, it’s kind of a parenting vacation too! I’ll never say no to a little babysitting from grandma and grandpa. haha The best part, though, is all the swimming! I’m from southern Utah and it gets HOT out there, so you have to swim practically every day just to stay cool. I have Rowan and Lettie in swimming lessons right now, so hopefully they’ll be able to practice more this summer.

I hope you’re all getting excited for your summer vacations like I am! I’m ready to hit the pool!

Thanks for stopping by! xx


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