Backyard Summer Fun with Popsicle Fruit Pops

This blog post is sponsored by Popsicle. All opinions are my own.

Real Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

Real Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

My suit top & bottom | Sunnies | Hat | Necklace
Lettie’s suit (similar) | Londyn’s Suit (similar) | Rowen’s Suit (similar) | Blowup Pool

Isn’t summer just the best? We finally got around to blowing up the backyard pool and the kids absolutely loved it! Does anyone else have one of these? I swear they could play in this thing all day and not get bored. Too bad the kids need constant adult supervision (literally) or else I’d have a whole day to get things done! It’s been really hot so this has been perfect. Some of the past few days we’ve been getting almost 100 degrees weather! For the Bay Area, that doesn’t happen every day. When I was a kid we would always get some kind of treat during our swim days, and I love getting my kids treats after they swim, too. Which is why I am so stoked to partner this summer with Popsicle and try their new Fruit Pops!

I feel like I’ve finally found something that I can give my kids this summer and not feel bad. Not that treats are bad every now and then, but when you find a treat that is yummy and ALSO made with real fruit?! It’s like you won the lottery! And they love them, so there’s that. 🙂 New Popsicle Fruit Pops are made with real fruit (obvs) and just five simple ingredients: water, real fruit, real cane sugar, vitamin C and natural flavors. Each pop is under 45 calories and available in delicious flavors like strawberry, mango, raspberry and orange. Our family favorite is strawberry, but they’re all super yummy.

Real Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerReal Fruit Popsicles + Blow Up Pools by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

I try to make sure everything my kids eat comes from clean sources, but it’s not an easy game! What have you guys done to try and feed your kids good food? I could for sure do better, but I feel like every little effort is helpful. If I can offer my kiddos a treat made with real fruit, I feel like I’m winning at the mom game! Go get new Popsicle Fruit Pops at the store (psst – their store locator can help you find them near you!), I bet my next fruit pop that you’re going to love them too!

Thanks for stopping by! xx


1 Comment

  1. Juliette Exupery
    July 6, 2018 / 2:23 pm

    Thanks for clueing me in. I never would have known these popsicles were available. I can hardly wait to try them.

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