Surprise, We’re Moving!… Again!

We're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

Me: Tee | Jeans | Shoes | Belt   Lettie: Tee | Leggings | Shoes  Londyn: Leggings | Tee

Big news over here in the Springer household… surprise! We’re moving!

I know what you’re thinking, and yes, we did just move like not even 2 years ago. Maybe it’s just our luck, but we just can’t seem to stay in the same place for very long! Long story short, our landlord passed away and whoever inherited the house decided to sell instead of continue renting.  We got a letter that we had 60 days to pack everything up and be out! Can you believe it?! We have never have had this happen to us because we have always owned a home and didn’t realize this could happen haha.  I was really bummed because we were planning on spending at least 5 years in this house. I may or may not be sane when all of this is over and done with. haha Living out of boxes is not my favorite thing.

So. We really like living in Walnut Creek, and we weren’t really emotionally ready to leave yet anyways. Living in the Bay Area is not cheap, and buying a house feels like even more of a big deal here because it’s such a HUGE investment (note: the Bay area is the most expense place to live in the US, it’s so crazy here). We thought about buying this house but the price for it is SO high and needs a ton of work done to it and we also didn’t want that decision to be rushed, so we decided to look for another house to rent for the next little bit until we can decide what to do with our lives and stay here long term, or move closer to our family! Luckily we were able to find another place not too far away!

I really like this new house, and I think you guys are going to really like it too once we get everything all unpacked and decorated. When we first looked at it I was a little worried, mostly about getting all of our decor to fit the new house. The flooring was beautiful, but I was worried because the color of the walls would not match any of our decor AT ALL. That may sound a little dramatic, but it was upsetting! haha When you’re renting, things like wall colors and flooring are usually out of your control. Luckily we were given the OK to paint the walls white so that everything will match! Yay!

So pray for us as we try to paint the entire inside of this house and stay tuned for our new home reveal! We’re moving in the middle of June and I’m really going to try hard this time to get everything unpacked and decorated as fast as possible. Fingers crossed! We’re switching up some of our decor to fit the new house, I think you guys are going to love it! To say goodbye to this house I had to get some last pictures to remember this house we loved so much!

We're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

We're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

We're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

We're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha SpringerWe're Moving!... Again! by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger LaTisha Springer

You can find links to all our living room furniture in this and this post. For Lettie’s room click here and Londyn’s room click here.

We were in the process of redoing our room, Rowens room, and the guest room, and also updating the family room a bit. So now that we are moving I’m excited to show you the our new things we have planned! Stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by!




1 Comment

  1. June 14, 2018 / 9:24 pm

    You have no idea how much I feel for you! I had the SAME thing happen to me last august. 60 days to vacate…out of the blue! SO stressful. Anyway, our move was 1000% for the best and I hope yours will be too. Good luck and I can’t wait to see the new place!

    XO, Niki

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