Back to School Q+A

Back to School Q+A featured by popular San Francisco life and style blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

My Outfit: Black Leggings | Adidas Graphic Tee | Slides | Adidas White Hat

Lettie’s Outfit: Striped Top & Pants | Sneakers | Watermelon Backpack | Headband

Rowen’s Outfit: Adidas Track Pants | Adidas Graphic Tee | Adidas Sneakers | Backpack



These kids have had so much fun this summer, but I think we’re all a little excited to be getting back to school and a schedule! What about you guys? Do you like the flexible summer schedule or are you happier in a routine? I like a little of both, but my kids do way better when they have a routine and know what to expect for the day. Which makes me happier too! haha


Back to School Q+A featured by popular San Francisco life and style blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Back to School Q+A featured by popular San Francisco life and style blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Back to School Q+A featured by popular San Francisco life and style blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress


How cute are these pictures!? First of all, their cute faces! Lettie’s romper is to die for, and Rowen’s jogger are my favorite! I can’t believe how fast they’ve grown up. I want to be able to remember all the funny things they do all the time, so I’m going to try to be better at doing interviews with these kids! Which isn’t easy because for some reason whenever I ask them interview questions they freeze up. haha But I somehow managed to get a few answers out fo them so I decided to do a back to school post with their interviews for the new school year.


Back to School Q+A featured by popular San Francisco life and style blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

B a c k  T o  S c h o o l  Q & A :


Lettie – Pre-School

What will you miss most about summer? Swimming at the pool

What are you most excited for about school this year? Play with my friends and see teacher Kara

What is your favorite color? Pink

What do you want to be when you grow up? Doctor like Doc McStuffins

What is your favorite book? Care Bear Book Care-A-Lot

What is your favorite food to get in your lunch box? Chips


Rowen- Second Grade

What will you miss most about summer? Seeing my cousins in Utah and sleeping in

What are you most excited for about school this year? Playing at the playground

What is your favorite color? Green

What do you want to be when you grow up? Baseball player

What is your favorite book? The National Geographic World Atlas Book

What is your favorite food to get in your lunch box? Turkey sandwich



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