Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid’s Corner

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

 White Top | Pajama Thermals | Toddler Sleepers

White Beanie | Pink Beanie | Yellow Beanie 



Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Stockings | Tree | Ornaments

Pom Pom Garland | Bottle Brush Trees

Letter Board | Fur Pillow

Dew Drop String Lights



Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kid's Corner featured by top San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Hey everyone! How cute is this fun Christmas kids corner!? Decorating for Christmas is something I look forward to all year.

One thing that I decided to try this year was to make a fun”kid’s corner” with our second tree! I love doing all white Christmas looks (like this room) but I wanted to try something a little different using colorful Christmas decorations. The new house we moved into a few months back has 2 fireplaces, so we decided to do Christmas decorations for a fun kids corner in one of the rooms and I’m so glad we did it.The kids totally love it, too. I’ve seen a lot of people do super cute kids trees in their kids rooms, and I love that idea too. Something fun and playful like these colorful Christmas decorations would be adorable in a room for Christmas!! Next year maybe I’ll try that.

It was so fun finding colorful Christmas decorations, and I’m so excited to share some of my favorites with you guys! I am obsessed with these stockings, (so cute!) and I found these adorable little colorful bottle brush trees on Etsy. Love them! Check out everything I used here!


Colorful Christmas Decorations for a Fun Kids Corner



Thanks for stopping by!




  1. Kylie
    December 4, 2018 / 4:06 pm

    Hi! Where is the ‘Have yourself a merry little christmas’ Print from?

    • Latisha
      January 2, 2019 / 10:21 pm

      Hey Kylie! Sorry I’m just getting back to you on this. So my assistant made it for me and it turned out so cute! Let me now next year and I will get you one! Happy New Year! xx,

  2. Patricia Camacho
    December 11, 2018 / 7:11 pm

    Where’s the Christmas sign from?

    • Latisha
      January 2, 2019 / 10:19 pm

      Hello Patricia! So sorry I’m just getting back to you on this! Actually my assistant made it for me! It turned out so cute! Next year contact me and I will get you one! Happy New Year! xx

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