Londyn Turns Two!

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Happy Birthday to my littlest baby! I can’t believe she is turning two, she’s growing up way too fast! Here are some two year old updates about my little Londy!

1.She’s started talking SO much! She’s started to form sentences and put her words together. She mimics everything her brothers and sisters say.

2. She has started talking about going potty, but she really just sits on the potty and then actually goes on the floor and says “Uh-oh!”.

3. She’s a huge climber. This girl is such a dare devil, WAY more than Rowen and Lettie were! She keeps me on my toes, I’m always nervous about her! She just had her first trip to the ER a month ago, and I don’t expect it to be her last!

4. Londyn is a HUGE mess maker. Every time she eats, she throws her food on the ground and plays in it. I feel like I spend my whole day running around after her cleaning up her messes!


5. She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, its her favorite show right now.

6. She is obsessed with treats just like her sister! These girls have the worst sweet tooth!

7. She loves to dance, I need to put her in a dance class this summer! She would love it.

8. Believe it or not, I just stopped nursing this girl! She did NOT take it very well, sleeping has been tough!

9. Her favorite toys are her babies, she hauls them everywhere.

10. She can open AND unlock the door and wants to go outside all the time. I need to get one of those up high locks so she can’t escape!

11. She is always trying on different shoes, mostly dress up shoes but she’s also obsessed with all of my shoes. It’s impossible to keep them all organized, I’ve given up!

12. Londyn has a super outgoing and adventurous personality! She loves friends and playing.

Happy Birthday Londyn! We are so lucky to have you in our family!



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