5 Tips for Taking a Road Trip with a Toddler

Road Trip with a Toddler featured by top US travel blogger The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Me: White Tee | Denim Jacket

Sunnies | Army Joggers | Slides

Lettie & Londyn: Coral Tee | Shorts | Jelly Shoes

Rowen: Tee | Similar Shorts | Adidas | Hat



I’ve had 3 kids now, and I don’t even want to count the number of road trips I’ve taken with a toddler! It’s no easy feat, but there are a few tips and tricks that can help your road trip with a toddler go smoothly. Here are a few things that have worked for us!

Road Trip with a Toddler Tips:

1.Drive at Night!

If you’re trying to drive a ton of hours with a toddler, it’s always easier to drive at night! This is especially helpful if your kids are good at sleeping in carseats. If you can drive while they’re sleeping, you don’t have to worry about feeding them snacks every two seconds, stopping for potty breaks, listen to whining, etc… This works best if you leave at bedtime! If you try and wake them up super early in the morning and think they’ll go back to sleep, they probably wont!

2.Bring New Toys

The second most important tip I have for you guys is to bring new toys! You need to pull out all the stops for road trips. An easy way to get a bunch of new exciting toys is to just take a secret trip to the dollar store and stock up! Your toddler will stay interested in new toys for a lot longer than toys they’ve already played with! Some of our favorites have been slinkies, sticker books, light up toys, and even party blowers! (Get the silent party blowers for your road trip! haha)

3.Bring Tons of Snacks

Your kids will be really bored, which means they’ll be really hungry! I just let them eat whatever snacks they want on road trips, but I only bring snacks that I’m ok with them eating a ton of. I like bringing them each individual bowels so they can each have their own and don’t fight over anything.

4. Sleeping in the Hotel

We bring a white noise machine to help the kids fall asleep. It helps when there is noise in the hotel (people coming in and out).  I also bring my favorite all natural melatonin, because the kids are always riled up when we’re on vacation and it helps get them to sleep on a normal schedule. We also always bring extra pillows and blankets to make a big bed on the ground for the kids to sleep together, they love it because it’s like having big sleepover together.

5. Bring a ton of extra medicine!

Even if your kids aren’t sick, bring your medicine! At least one of my kids always gets sick on vacation and we always need something.

I hope these tips help you guys on your next road trip with a toddler!

Thanks for stopping by! xx

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