Halloween 2014 & 5 Ways To Eat Healthy During Holiday’s….

Before I get started with what I want to post about, I had to share this overload of cuteness. We had a great Halloween. Rowen insisted on being a basketball player again this year. I tried to talk him into something different like a pirate or super hero, but he refused. He insisted on Casey dressing like one too, haha. It was so cute!! And my Lettie was a cute little tiger, she was just smiling everywhere we went and loving all the attention! It’s so much fun dressing up a little girl! I was lame this year and didn’t end up dressing up. I have been so busy with work and everything, buying a costume slipped my mind until the day of, and their was nothing good left at the store’s worth buying! I will have to be more organized for next year!

Halloween 2014

Lettie Halloween 2014

Casey & Rowen Halloween 2014

Lettie and candy postOnesie: Target // Shoes: Momo Baby c/o (love these)

I am not sure how you guys feel but after halloween (or any holiday) I always love to indulge on the sweets and yummy food or candy!! We got so much dang candy this year and I definitely treated my self all weekend long. After not so healthy eating this weekend by Monday I felt like crap. Who else is with me on this?! I don’t do this a lot but it seems like when the holidays hit its hard to resist! So after many years and much trial and error, I have mastered 5 ways to bounce back and feel good in your favorite skinny jeans within a day or two. Here is what I do the next day or two after the holiday’s or weekend of unhealthy eating.

1. Fast or eat really light for your first meal or two. Fasting will shrink your stomach back down. And help get rid of all the toxins.

2. Drink tons & tons of water (up to 8 glasses). Flush out all the toxins in your body. Add slices of lemon, it helps eliminate water weight.

3. Stay away from carbs. I don’t eat a lot of carbs normally but if you do like carbs try to stay away from them for a couple of days. Eggs, salads, chicken or fish is always a great choice.

4. Work out or just get up and move. Its sometimes hard that first day cause you just feel tired and sluggish from all that not so good eating, but its crucial to get out (even if its a walk) and get that metabolism working again!  I started doing T25 awhile back and love it.

5. Stay away for carbonated drinks. Yes no soda (at least for a few days).  Soda will make you feel more bloated and make you crave more sugar. I don’t drink soda at all but sometimes need a little boost, so here’s my healthy energy drink I love to make.

Energy Drink
I drink the water down till its half way or three fourths full. Add the whole emergen-c  and only 1/4 of the crystal light energy. You can do the whole thing but I am sensitive to caffeine .so I only use a little and reuse the same packet for a few days!! This is a great healthy energy drink and taste pretty good!

Lettie and candy postOr you can be like Lettie and don’t eat the candy but love to play with it like it’s a toy haha. You put these colorful packages in front of her and she will play with them for hours!! She loves the sound they make too. I wish that was the case for me ;).  These were too cute I had to share!

I hope you all had the best Halloween and this helps a little to get back on track! What are some things you do to bounce back?

Here is a video that will make your week even better. And this will get you movin!! My husband and I couldn’t stop laughing!!!






  1. Sammi
    November 4, 2014 / 11:28 am

    Great info on how to get back. I think you have found next years Halloween costume for yourself in that amazing video!! 😉

  2. Ash
    November 6, 2014 / 2:48 pm

    Loved the post Tish! Your kids are so cute!
    Those are great tips too. That video was soo retAHded.
    Love you!

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