My Favorite Baby Carrier

My Favorite Baby Carrier by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

My Favorite Baby Carrier by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressRowen’s been playing basketball for the past few weeks and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Watching kids play sports is hilarious. haha He’s been practicing so hard, and we’ve been trying to help him practice at home too. If you can imagine it, I’ve even been going out in the back yard with him every now and then to help him practice! It’s been a little tricky figuring out how to be active with my older kids while still taking care of a 9-month-old, but I have a secret guys. If there’s one thing that has saved my life as a mom of 3, it’s been a baby carrier. I really don’t know how anyone is able to do it without one!

I’ve been using the Miamily carrier and I love it. Maybe you remember me posting about it after our trip to Disneyland, where it quite literally saved my sanity and my back! I’ve tried a lot of different carriers, and they’re all good for different reasons and situations.

Reasons Why I Love the Miamily Baby Carrier

  1. It doesn’t hurt my back. This baby carrier has a high waist hip belt and a 3D seat for your baby that supports your back and shoulders really well while you’re wearing them. It practically takes all their weight off. Which brings me to my second reason…
  2. It’s great for long-term baby carrying. Because the shoulder and back support is so great, I can wear Londyn for a really long time without getting any pain. That’s why it was so perfect for our Disneyland trip!
  3. Casey likes wearing it. This carrier fits all sizes really well, and Casey is totally comfortable wearing it. Which makes me really happy because that means that we get to share the baby-wearing time!

Also, they have THE cutest little mini carriers for your little girls to carry their dolls in. Ever since Lettie has gotten hers, she’s been carrying around dolls, teddy bears, Barbie’s– you name it! She’s going to be the cutest little momma haha She told me the other day that she had a baby in her tummy, so it’s a good thing she’s practicing now! You can find the Miamily at Buybuybaby. Definitely keep it in mind if you’ve got a little one or if you’re expecting soon!

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