First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test!

After having three babies, the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test is the only pregnancy test I will use! I used this test with all three of my pregnancies and they were all detected early. I’m so thankful I knew about this brand from my best friends and family because you need to be able to rely on your pregnancy test for this kind of life changing event!

First Response, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Test, BabyFirst Response, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Test, Baby
From day one, we have always wanted a family and would talk about the day when we would have kids. My husband and I had a wonderful time being married without kids at first. We knew we wanted to wait a few years after getting married before we started. It was important to us to enjoy each other then bring kids into the world at the right time.

We were married for three years when we took the plunge and had our first child, Rowen. I was 27 and my husband was 28 and we decided after being married for a few years, it was time to start a family. It was the summer of 2010 and I remember going on a long run with one of my friends and being so exhausted. I just didn’t feel like my normal self. Right when I got home I told Casey how I felt and how I thought I could be pregnant. I remember running to the bathroom and using my First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test. I chose this test because I had heard that it gave results 6 days before your missed period and I wanted to know as soon as possible! Thank goodness for this kind of technology and that we knew we could rely on it for an accurate result. When you’re waiting for life changing news about your first child especially, you want to make sure you can trust what you see.

My husband and I were so excited yet shocked at the same time when we got the positive result!  It is such an exciting time in life and a memory we will always cherish!  There are a few moments in every person’s life that you remember forever: this was ours. I know every woman has a different experience with getting pregnant.  Everyone’s bodies are so different and no one responds the same. I was very fortunate to get pregnant pretty quickly after we started trying.

Each kid took a different amount of time, and getting pregnant with Lettie (our second child) took the longest out of the three. I also got sick during each one of my pregnancies but no matter what was going in my life or how I felt physically, I was always so excited to add another baby to our family that I couldn’t wait!

Our most recent baby has been an incredible addition to our family. If I’m being honest having three kids can sometimes be hard at times. Trying to manage all three kids and work can be challenging but it’s been so worth it. We couldn’t imagine life without our kids. They keep me on my toes and I wouldn’t have it any other way!


This post is sponsored by First Response. All thoughts and opinions are by own.

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