Fun Summer Activities for Kids: Part 1

All you mommas out there…listen up! I brainstormed with my sister over the past few weeks and we came up with a few really fun outdoor summer activities for kids that will help you keep your own kids entertained, and hopefully you mentally sane in the process. Ha ha!

Check out a couple of our fun summer activity ideas below, and make sure to stay tuned for a part 2  that will be coming up soon!

Fun Summer Activities for Kids: Part 1

Decorating Shorts

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girl sitting on back porch decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girl sitting on back porch deck decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girl sitting on back porch deck decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image mom with young girl sitting on back porch deck decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch deck decorating cutoff denim shorts with puff paint.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of cutoff denim shorts with decorative puff paint designs.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch deck wearing red swimsuits and cutoff denim shorts with decorative puff paint designs.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch deck wearing red swimsuits and cutoff denim shorts with decorative puff paint designs.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom with young girls sitting on back porch deck wearing red swimsuits and cutoff denim shorts with decorative puff paint designs.

Lettie & Londyn:  Shorts | Tops | Shoes

Me: Tee | Jeans (also love these) | Headband



This was one of mine and my girls favorite summer activities!  I got some cheap shorts for the girls and bought some fabric paint to decorate them.  Then we went in the back yard, because this may or may not be a little messy depending on the ages of your kids, and decorated the shorts on our porch.  We ended up having some stray paint on our deck, but didn’t have any trouble using just water to wash it off. But, if you would rather avoid any clean up,  you could always decorate your shorts on the grass!

Once we were done decorating our shorts, we let them dry overnight and wore them the next day.  The girls were so proud of their shorts!  These are also super cute to wear over their swimsuits during the summer!  Also, if you wanted to add more style to your shorts, glue-on decals and patches would be another great idea for this fun summer activity too!


Grass Twister

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

The Girl in the Yellow Dress | Latisha Springer | Fun Summer Activities for Kids by top US mom blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of mom, young kids, backyard, grass, cutoff shorts, red swimming suit tops, and twister game.

Girls Outfits | My Suit

My Shorts (old, also love these)



This activity took a little more preparation, but turned out so fun! I cut a circle in a scrap piece of cardboard and used that as a stencil to spray paint the grass with each of the twister colors.  To get your circles in a straight line, it helps to lay a string out along the area you want your circles to follow. I was a little worried about what kind of spray paint to use, because I didn’t want to kill our grass, but it turns out that regular spray paint won’t hurt your grass! Another plus is that your grass will grow out and you’ll mow the circles away after just a few weeks. It also dries pretty quickly and wont leave any residue on your kids when they’re playing.


What are some of your favorite summer activities for kids?  Share in the comments below and let me know if you guys try any of these ideas!! I’d love to hear how it turned out! Stay tuned for Summer Activities for Kids: Part 2!

Thanks for stopping by!



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