Our 10th Wedding Anniversary Plans

Our 10th Wedding Anniversary Plans by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressOur 10th Wedding Anniversary Plans by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressStriped Tee (on sale) | Blush Cardi | Black Leggings | Caseys white tee and Jeans
Londyns Onesie & Pants | Rowens Tee and Jeans  | Letties sweater and leggings

Today is our 10th wedding anniversary, can you believe it!? Every time Casey and I kiss, the kids literally throw their hands over their faces and scream “EW, GROSS!” We’re not super huge into PDA, but I guess it happens enough that they’re sick of it. haha A little fun fact about us is that Casey is by far the more cuddly out of the two. He loves to cuddle, maybe that’s where Lettie get’s it from! I love that they’re both so cuddly!

How Our Lives Have Changed in 10 Years

When Casey and I were first married (pictures from our wedding here), our lives were so different than our lives now. First of all, we added 3 kids to our entourage. Which is like dragging a circus around with you everywhere you go haha. But over the years that we’ve had our kids, our lives have become so much richer and so much more rewarding.

I’m just amazed at seeing what an amazing dad Casey has become. He’s really hands on and loves spending what time he can with his girls, aka his “princesses”. In his eyes, they can’t do anything wrong. Lettie literally wants to cuddle with her daddy all day every day. And he’s best friends with Rowen– he would much rather go out with Rowen than any of his friends.

Having kids has definitely changed the way Casey and I spend time. We used to have TV shows that we would watch every night. Now, it’s a miracle if we get the house cleaned and fall into bed by 11. Does that make us boring!? haha Casey used to know every sport event going on, but now he is lucky to even watch a game a week. The only way that he keeps up with what is happening is listening to sports radio on his way to work. We used to go out every weekend to movies and dinner, but now lucky to get to few movies a year! And our date nights have basically turned into date afternoon’s on Saturday’s because night time routines are sometimes just too hard with sitters. haha

As we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary and looking at how our lives have changes, we wouldn’t trade this life for the world.  It’s funny how different it is, but it’s grown so much better, so much more exhausting haha, and so much more rewarding.

Our 10th Wedding Anniverary Plans

Guess where we’re going to celebrate our big day? Hawaii! We were wanting to go to somewhere in Europe but Casey had to be in Hawaii next week for work and so we decided to make a trip out of it! And I have to tell you guys why I’m so excited. 1, because I have 4 full days with just me and Casey. 2, because I have 3 full days by myself while Casey is working. Hopefully that doesn’t sound mean haha but you guys, I’ve never been by myself in a hotel with nothing to do since I’ve had kids. I don’t even know what I’ll do with myself! Actually, I do. I’m going to sit in that hotel room and do nothing. And then I’ll order room service. And then maybe I’ll go to the beach. haha Since we’ve had kids, we’ve basically never been on a vacation together that wasn’t a family reunion, or a Christmas trip, etc… So I’m super excited and I can’t wait to show you guys pictures.

Thanks for stopping by!



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