Happy 36th Birthday Casey!


Happy Birthday Casey! Can you believe this guy is 36?! I swear he looks exactly the same as when we got married over 10 years ago.

This guy is such a big supporter of me and our family. I’m so lucky to have him, there is no way I could ever do what I do without him! I get asked a lot about how I manage to do this job with all it’s traveling and take care of my kids at the same time. It’s all because of Casey people! He’s a great father and super hands on with the kids and helps out with everything.

Photos By: Francesa Penko Photography

You’ll never see him on social media, but I promise he’s super present in our lives! You all know by now that Casey just isn’t a fan of being in pictures, but sometimes I manage to sneak one in! Honestly, Rowen is turning out just like his dad!

He’s such a hard worker. Even when he’s working tons of hours he’ll still come home and spend all his time with me and the kids. He could have a really stressful day at work and you would never know it.

We’re so grateful for this guy, We love you so much! Happy Birthday Casey!!





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