Maskcara Compensation Plan

I’ve mentioned before how I’m a Maskcara Beauty Artist. (Find that post HERE). I’ve been getting questions about what it’s like to be a Maskcara Artist and what the Maskcara compensation plan is like, so I thought I’d answer them here.

The Maskcara Compensation Plan. How I make money with Maskcara Beauty. | Maskcara Compensation Plan by popular San Francisco beauty blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: Pinterest image of two women wearing Maskcara makeup.

Everything You Need to Know About the Maskcara Compensation Plan

What is Maskcara Beauty Makeup?

Maskcara makeup is a line of makeup created by Cara Killpack. She is a blogger and makeup artist. Cara designed this makeup line to simplify women’s beauty routines. She did this by developing a cream based makeup that only requires one layer of makeup to be applied on your skin in a few, quick steps. The makeup is also all stored in one compact which eliminates the time you would spend searching your makeup drawers for the next product to apply.

The IIID makeup system uses Highlighting and Contouring (HAC) to  brighten your face while also bringing out the dimensions on your face. In 2017, Cara opened her makeup line to direct distributors and now artists are able to sign up and earn commission selling Maskcara makeup.

How Much Does it Cost to Enroll?

You have 2 options when you enroll as a Maskcara Beauty Artist. The Basic Kit is $199 and the Pro Kit is $399. Either kit is a great deal for the amount of makeup you receive, and both will allow you to start your business pretty easily. Choosing a kit is entirely up to you and your goals for your business.

If you would like to do in-person parties and makeovers, a Pro Kit is the best choice. It has the most shades of makeup and will allow you to do makeovers easily. If you would prefer to work mostly online, then the Basic Kit should be just fine. (*Note, you cannot choose the colors that come in your Artist Kit. The shades you receive are chosen by Maskcara Corporate based on the most popular shades that are being purchased by Maskcara customers.)

Here are the 2 kits, side by side, for comparison.

Maskcara Compensation Plan by popular San Francisco beauty blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of the Maskcara Basic Artist Kit and the Maskcara Pro Artist Kit.

What is the Maskcara compensation plan?

Before I get into how the Maskcara compensation plan works, let’s talk about what a compensation plan is. A compensation plan is the document that tells you what money you get paid for selling a product. Compensation plans can be really confusing and complicated for many MLM companies. The Maskcara compensation plan is pretty simple, comparatively.

Two ways to earn money with the Maskcara compensation plan

When you sell a Maskcara product as an Artist, you receive at least 20% commission. Commissions can go up to 40% depending on how much product you sell in any given month. No matter how much or how little product you sell, you always receive 20% commission on your sales. This is paid monthly.

If you would like, you can also build a team of artists underneath you. This is not required. There are benefits to building a team. Some of these benefits are:

  • Camaraderie
  • Support
  • Larger financial opportunities

When other Maskcara artists sign up under you and join your team, you earn a small commission off of their sales each month. The larger your team becomes, the more money you earn off of their sales.

Things I love about Maskcara’s Compensation Plan

  • No monthly minimum sales requirement
  • No inventory to purchase, store, and ship
  • You will always earn at least 20% on your sales
  • Artists get a 20% discount on their purchases
  • Artists can open their own parties to earn free product
  • If you decide to build a team, you get a percentage from their sales

Does Maskcara hold any meetings for Artists?

Maskcara is a fun company filled with women of all ages who love the makeup and want to share it with others. There are yearly conferences and other opportunities to get together with other Maskcara artists. These times are a lot of fun! There’s nothing like getting a few thousand women together for a weekend with no kids. It’s a party!

Maskcara Compensation Plan by popular San Francisco beauty blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman leaning up against a white dresser and looking into a Maskcara compact while she applies her Maskcara makeup.

How does the Maskcara compensation plan work outside of the US?

Maskcara Beauty Makeup is currently sold in the United States and in Canada. If you’re interested in becoming a Maskcara Artist in Canada, here are a few things you need to know:

  • The website is the same whether you’re in Canada or the US. It will default to the proper currency depending on your location.
  • Customers can order from Canadian or US Artists, they don’t have to order within their own country.
  • Maskcara has a shipping facility in Canada to handle Canadian orders to alleviate the need to pay customs on any Maskcara purchases.
  • The Basic Kit is the only kit available for purchase in Canada due to government regulations. The price for the basic kit is C$279.
  • If you reside in Canada you will need a special license to do direct sales in Canada. You will need to pay for this license yourself.
  • Maskcara is not open to artists living in Quebec at this time.

Have more questions about becoming a Maskcara Artist and the Maskcara compensation plan? Let me know in a comment below!

Contact me at latishaspringermaskcara(at)gmail(dot)com

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The Maskcara Compensation plan. Everything you need to know!
How I make money with Maskcara Beauty. How the compensation plan works.
Maskcara Beauty- The compensation plan explained.

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