Messenger Kids- Why We Love It

This Messenger Kids review post is sponsored by Facebook Kids Messenger, all opinions are my own.

With everyone home from school, and separated from friends and family, my kids are getting lonely! My oldest kids, Rowen and Lettie, are missing their friends a lot. It can be hard to know how to let my kids communicate with their friends and family during this quarantine time. That’s why I am so excited to tell you about the new Messenger Kids app that my kids have been using.

Messenger Kids: Why We Love It. | Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: Pinterest image of a mom and her two daughters sitting on the floor together and holding an iPad.

Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of two young girls wearing tie dye pajamas while sitting on the floor and holding a tablet. Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a mom and her two young daughters sitting together on the floor and holding a tablet.

Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a young girl wearing a tie dye pajama set and holding a tablet. Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a mom and her daughter standing together and holding a tablet.

Messenger Kids Review

How does Messenger Kids work?

There are a lot of cool things about Messenger Kids. One of the things that I really love is that it’s geared specifically towards kids, with a healthy dose of parental supervision and control. It’s really the best of both worlds! My kids can feel like they have a way to communicate with their friends, and I still manage who they are talking to and for how long.

My daughter, Lettie, loves that she can hop on and off the Messenger Kids app and talk to her cousins in other parts of the country. Since no one can travel right now, it’s so nice to stay in contact with our loved ones who live far away. Lettie and I both love the kid-appropriate stickers, GIF’s and filters that are included on Messenger Kids. She can make all of the silly faced messages she wants, and I don’t have to worry about her sending or seeing something inappropriate!

Probably my favorite feature of the Messenger Kids app is the ability it gives me to decide who my kids can talk to, and when. Because it is not social media, Messenger Kids is a safer way for children to connect online. I manage Lettie and Rowen’s contacts on Messenger Kids, which allows me peace of mind. 

As Rowen gets older, I can give him more freedom with choosing who he communicates with online in the app. I think this is a great way to slowly introduce my kids to the online world. I love to use my online platforms to communicate with my friends and family across the country and the globe. This is the world my kids are growing up in. I feel it’s essential for them to know how to navigate it safely.

To keep the kids from spending too much time online, I can set up “off times” on Messenger Kids. That means they can’t be contacted during school time or family dinner. We all need a break from the outside world, right?

Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a mom and her two daughters sitting together and holding a tablet. Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of two young girls wearing tie dye pajamas and sitting together on a leather couch while they look at a tablet. Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a young girl wearing a tie dye pajama set and holding a tablet.

What else can you do on Messenger Kids?

Besides just sending silly faces back and forth, this app is great for setting up virtual playdates! Think of it as a digital playground, almost. Kids love to talk to their friends and share their world with each other. Grandparents love to hear their grandkid’s voices and see their faces as they tell a story. Messenger Kids allows you to do this easily! Even better, there’s no need for adults to download a new app – adults continue to use Messenger while kids use Messenger Kids.

Lettie uses the app more often than Rowen. But, they both love to play games on it and to hang out with their friends virtually.

Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a young girl wearing a tie dye pajama set and holding a tablet. Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a mom and her two daughters sitting together on a couch and holding a tablet. Messenger Kids Review by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog,The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a mom and her two young daughters sitting together on the floor and holding a tablet.
A Virtual Lifesaver

Messenger Kids has been a lifesaver for me recently. With me not feeling well because of my pregnancy, plus all of us being stuck at home for the quarantine, it’s been rough! Having a way for Lettie and Rowen to talk to friends and family quickly, easily, and safely has been so nice. If you’d like to download it for your family, go HERE!

Thanks for reading! xx,

What did you find most helpful about this Messenger Kids review?  Do you have any questions I didn’t answer?  Let me know in a comment below!

Messenger Kids- What it is & Why we love it.
Messenger Kids: Why We Love It.
Why We Love Messenger Kids.
Messenger Kids- What it is & Why we love it.


  1. Sarah Boyd
    June 15, 2020 / 1:51 pm

    Definitely will be downloading for my daughter!

  2. Gracey
    June 17, 2020 / 6:42 pm

    My aunt lets her kids use Messenger Kids for her youngest since he doesn’t have his own cellphone yet! Such a great tool

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