Mind Over Matter: Exercise Ball Workout

Exercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressExercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressExercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressExercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressExercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressExercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressExercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressExercise Ball Workout by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

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Listen up friends! Whatever you set your mind to, you can do. It’s as simple as that. Our minds are so, so powerful. I’m sharing a favorite exercise ball workout routine with you today, and it’s only something I’m able to do when I believe in myself. The greatest accomplish is not in falling, but rising again after you fall. -Vince Lombardi

I talked a little bit about my history with dieting and exercise in this post, where I explained how my mind set is completely different now than it was years ago. I threw away my scale, I actually started eating MORE food (instead of not eating enough for my body), and I’ve started doing a lot more strength training in my workout routine. Fitness for me is now about trying to be the best possible version of myself. My goal is to be strong, not skinny.


My friend Tia Stokes introduced me to this standing exercise ball workout and I fell in love. It’s a sure fire way to engage your entire core and leg muscles and before you know it, you’ll have some serious definition.

This is something that I’ve been doing for a while now, but let me start with a disclaimer: THIS IS HARD! haha Be careful if you try this at your gym, it’s really easy to hurt yourself if you try to do too much when you’re not prepared. It took me a long time to get the balancing down even for the kneeling workouts, and it takes ever longer to get the standing down. I’ve been doing it for almost 7 years now, so if I make it look easy, that’s why! That being said, it is the best workout I’ve ever tried and it builds strength like no other! You’re constantly engaging your core, legs, arms, everything in order to balance.  On top of all that balancing, you’re doing different workouts on the ball.

A few tips that I’ve learned is that using medium-large balls work best. Beginners should always start by holding onto a wall, and should only practice kneeling knee squeezes for the first few months to get your body used to balancing. It seems slow, but you really need to work up slowly to the bigger exercises. I started a month after having Rowen, so my stomach muscles were shot (y’all know what I’m talking about) and I never thought I’d be able to even balance in a kneel. It was so hard the first day that I started.

I say that this exercise ball workout is totally a mind game because, yes skill and practice helps, but if your mind is in the right place you’ll be able to do it. If not, you’re just not going to get up on the ball. It’s so amazing how if you believe you can do something, you can do it. Your mind game plays such a crucial part in everything you do in life, even working out. I’ve learned some serious mind control, concentration, and self positivity while I’ve tackled this workout.

I have a regular weight lifting program, but I usually add this into the end of my workout (especially leg day). I’ll go into detail more of my full workout routines soon, but every day I add at least 10 minutes of my ball exercises at end of workout session before I stretch. 

Here is an example of how I use the ball at the end of my leg day:

30 kneeling knee squeezes
10 squatting knee squeezes
20 squats (with of without weights)

Repeat 3x

Here is an example of how I use the ball at the end of my arm day:

10 kneeling bicep curls
10 kneeling shoulder presses
10 tricep extensions

Repeat 3x

Try this exercise ball workout, you will love it! It might take a minute, but don’t give up! Remember anything you set your mind to you can achieve!

Thanks for stopping by! xx


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