Most Memorable Moments of 2017

Can you believe it’s 2018. I remember as a little girl wondering what it would be like at 2020 and where my life will be around this time. Well here we are only 2 years away from 2020, and I can’t believe how fast that has came. 2017 was honestly one for the books. It was such an amazing, and memorable year for me and my family! Goals accomplished that I never could of imagined. So much happened this year and I feel truly blessed and grateful for life. Here our my top 10 posts and the most memorable to me!

1. Londyn’s Birth

This was by far the highlight of 2017. Our beautiful angel Londyn was born March 29th 2017. She has brought so much happiness and love to our home. My heart grew even more in size. We love her so much. This day will always be one of my most memorable moments of my life, but all my kids birth days are. Londyn’s birth story HERE, and her Newborn pictures HERE.

2. My Dream Baby Shower 

My friends at The Revelry Co put this baby shower on for me in early March, a few weeks before Londyn was born. This shower was like what you see in a magazine. It was so beautiful every single thing was. I felt like a princess! Check out this post talking all about it, and more pictures HERE.

3. My Family Room Reveal

We moved into our new house Sept 2016 and we went crazy and pretty much revamped the whole house. This is our family room and dining area, it was so much work but tons of fun! More pics and details from this post.

4. Hawaii with my Whole fam!

The last time me and my whole family were all in Hawaii together was back in 2004. Now that my family has got so big it’s hard for all of us to get together all the time. Feb 2017 we made it work and all of us made it to Hawaii at the same time! It was so much fun having all of us there, even though I was 33 weeks pregnant and not feeling amazing, it was still a blast! Post is HERE.

5. Living Room Reveal

After revamping the family room it was time for the living room and kitchen area. Theses rooms were so fun also to redo, and I loved they way they turned out. More pics and details make sure to check it out HERE.

6. Londyn’s Nursery Reveal

I love this one. The talented Tana Hallows from Destination Nursery came and helped me with Londyn’s nursery. It turned out perfect. Every time I go in her room it makes me so happy that my little babe has this beautiful room! All about it HERE.

7. Lettie’s Room Reveal

Tana from Destination Nursery also came and did Lettie’s room also. Her room is so cute I can’t even handle it. She loves it so much and that makes it even better + makes me so happy. It turned out perfect. More about it HERE.


I went back to New York this passed Sept for New York Fashion week. This was my fourth time back for fashion week. This time I went with my good friends from Cali (in the picture above), and also my hubby joined me this time around. It was so fun to have a little getaway with my love, and also have him see how the whole fashion world works. He thought it was crazy, haha. This look is posted HERE.

9. Park City Retreat

In October I went on the funniest retreat with some of my blogger friends that I finally got to meet a lot of them in persona and became life long friends. It was SO much fun, relaxing, inspiring. I will never forget it! In case you missed this post HERE.

10. Baseball Family Day with Old Navy 

This was such a fun day with the family. Old Navy invited us all to the enjoy a fun filled day watching baseball with my loves. My boys were in heaven, and they had so many fun stuff for the kids to do. Check out this post HERE.

Farewell 2017, you have been a good one! I will forever cherish all the wonderful memories! Thank you all SO SO much for all the love and support. It means so much to me and my little family! We love you all and so excited for what 2018 has in store! Happy New Year friends! xx,


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