My Birth Story with Baby #4

My birth story with baby #4

My birth story with baby #4 was the easiest I’ve experienced, thank goodness. Things went as smooth as they could and it was also unbelievably fast. I’m so grateful for how smoothly things went. I know that not all births are easy and I ache for those who struggle to get their babies into their arms. 

Can't believe I have 4 kids

I checked in at the hospital at 7 a.m. on Monday, September 21, 2020. The interesting part is what happened before I checked in. I forgot I wanted to put together a goodie basket for the nurses who would help deliver Crew, so I woke up at 5:30 a.m., so I could run to the grocery store and buy a few things for the nurses. 

Since it was so early in the morning I was really the only shopper there and when I checked out the cashier said, “Wow, when are you due? You are about to pop!” I told her now, I’m on the way to the hospital and we laughed because literally that same day (really hours later) I had my baby. It’s funny to think that I was strolling through the grocery store the same day as delivering my baby. And not to mention I was waddling down the aisles (haha it was a sight to see). Case thought I was crazy for going, especially that early in the morning, but I had to do something for the nurses to say thank you! Chalk it up to one last burst of nesting energy before I went into labor. 

My birth story with baby #4

At the Hospital

Anyway, back to my delivery story. I was scheduled for an induction this day (39 weeks) and when I first got checked in and set up in my room, my doctor checked my cervix and I was dilated to a 3. They broke my water and things started rolling. Soon after I started feeling the contractions and the pain started to get worse, I got an epidural. Casey wanted me to get one earlier this time around because every other time I would wait way too long (trying to be tough haha) and the pain would get so intense! So this time it was just the perfect timing, they never got too intense like the others! I’m glad I listen to him haha!

My last belly picture with baby #4


Case was all set up and ready for Crew to arrive

After my epidural was in place, things really picked up speed! Not even two hours later I was dilated to a 10! I started pushing and 20 minutes later, Crew popped out (no joke). He would’ve come even faster, but his leg was wrapped around his umbilical cord inside my stomach! (That sounds worse than it actually was.) Anyway, the entire experience was shockingly fast. Almost too fast for me and Case to really take it all in and enjoy the delivery. However, when Crew came out time stood still. He was perfect. Tears came to ours eyes and I knew he completed our little family! Such a spiritual experience and one that will always hold a special place in our hearts, just like our other babies!

All ready to go! Case and I can't believe how fast the birth went.

Crew was born on September 21st at 11:21 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs. and he measured 19 1/2 inches long. Case and I had a dinner of a burger and fries to celebrate that night, courtesy of my sister and brother-in-law. Up until I have my baby, I usually feel too sick to eat hardly anything. Once he was out, all I craved was a burger and fries. It was so great! 

Can't believe baby #4 is here. So grateful baby #4 is here. www.thegirlintheyellowdress.comHe came so fast!

Having a Baby During Covid

Covid times are interesting enough, but having a baby during it makes it even more bizarre. It’s one thing to hear about it, but to be the one experiencing it is a whole different feeling. 

There were some things we missed out on with this baby’s birth due to Covid. Usually, my mom is there with me while I deliver, but she didn’t get to come this time. She stayed at my home taking care of my three other kiddos. 

We can't get over his button nose! Baby Crew has completed our family.


The thing Case and I were mostly bummed out about was not having our kids come and meet their new sibling in the hospital. With the past baby’s births, they’ve been able to come and it be a nice family bonding moment. This time around, they weren’t able to meet their baby brother until we came home from the hospital. 

That moment was something me, Case, and the kids all looked forward to, so we were sad it didn’t happen this time. However, I’m grateful they were still able to meet him even though it turned out a little differently. 

I love seeing my husband with our babies.

There's no better feeling than putting on clothes after giving birth.


Another thing that was challenging was having to wear a mask while in labor. Can you imagine trying to push a baby out while wearing a mask? Yeah, that was pretty annoying. So, I guess that’s one plus about everything going so quickly. 

We even went home only after a day and a half or recovery. We were glad we could go back home after such a short amount of time, so the rest of our family could meet baby #4 of our family.

Babies always look so tiny in their carseats.


My Magical Moment with Baby #4

I would go through the delivery experience over and over again because I love it so much. I love how you are anxiously waiting to meet your new baby and then once he or she comes out, it’s the most magical feeling. Who agrees?!

We love our baby #4 Can't believe how tiny he is!

sleeper pajamas

I’d even describe my birth story with baby #4, and with all of my babies, as a spiritual experience. When Crew came out with the cutest face and his perfect little nose, Case and I knew he completed our family. We knew he was ours and we felt immense love for him and joy for our family. And my kiddos are so obessed with him! He completes are family and we love him more than ever! Feel so blessed to be their mama!

For more on my family life with 4 young kids, be sure to follow me on Instagram @latishaspringer and check back soon for my list of baby must haves! xx,


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