My Must-Have Beauty Products (On Sale) …

Let’s just say I have shopped the Nordstrom Anniversary one to may times! I just barely got this top and yoga pants. And also Casey these nike shoes, that I’m pretty excited to surprise him with (let’s just hope he doesn’t read this before they come)! Another thing I have been excited about is some of my favorite beauty products that are on sale (yay)! A lot of them rarely go on sale, so when they do it’s an exciting day, and time to stock up on them. There is also some products that are on sale that I have been dying to try, so I think I might have to give some of them a try!  Here are some of my must- have products (some not in picture), and some I have been I can’t way to try out.Must have products

And here are some products I have been wanting to try…

Pop of lip, Layered Jewels, Long HairLayered Jewelry from Bip & Bop

P.S. I posted this picture yesterday on Instagram and had a lot of comments on my lipstick, so I thought I would share it on here also.

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I first put the Buxom lip gloss on and let it sit a few minutes to give my lips a little plump, then layer the Revlon Colorburst on top! That’s it, and you get perfect summer lips!!

Happy Thursday to you all! We are going to Lake Tahoe for the weekend! I am so excited, it’s my first time! I will share all of it on here so stay tuned! Thanks so much for reading! XO,


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