Our Potty Training Tips + Journey



Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.


Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.

Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.

Londyn’s Tee | My Top | My Jeans (sold out, similar)


Hey friends!! We finally did it! Londyn is FINALLY potty trained! She has been wanting to for months and I finally took the time to do it! Hopefully this post on potty training tips isn’t too TMI for you guys haha, but I’ve had a ton of people ask me what methods have worked for us, so here’s a little bit about our potty training journey! Also disclaimer, every kid is SO different on when they’re ready to potty train! This is something I never force on my kids until I know they’re fully ready! Londyn is by far the earliest out of all my kids! Rowe and Lettie were both over 3!

Potty training is all about motivation (candy, toys, stickers, trips, etc…) We’ve tried sticker charts in the past (which worked ok) but the method that has worked best for us BY FAR is using small treats for pee successes and toys for poop successes.


Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.

Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.

Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.

Our Potty Training Tips

It’s been exciting for our kids to pick out their own treats and toys so they know that it’s something they want (*motivation haha). I usually take them on a trip to Target or the Dollar Store and have them pick out small treats (like Skittles or M&M’s) and about 7-10 small toys. We put all the small treats and toys in a bowl somewhere out fo reach that they can see them.

Make sure that they drink water all day so they’ll have a lot of opportunities to go in the potty!  I set timers for 30 minutes, and even if they don’t have to go, I have them sit on potty every 30 minutes to get them used to being there. When they go pee in the potty they get a treat and I make sure to make a SUPER big deal out of it the first week or so, we also sing the “Pee Pee song” (Pee Pee in the potty, Pee Pee in the potty, Pee Pee in the Poooootty) and she loves it so much (still does)! You want them to want to do it again!

Having a little potty is nice because you can move it around. But maybe get a stool too.  So if they feel like going on the “big potty” they can get to it.


Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.

Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.

Our Potty Training Tips + Journey by popular San Francisco lifestyle blog, The Girl in the Yellow Dress: image of a woman and her daughter sitting on the ground with some toilet paper and a potty training toilet.


Learning how to pee in the potty is always the easy part. The hardest part is teaching kids to poop in the potty! It’s a whole different ball game, a lot of kids feel like pooping is more scary. Using toys as motivation for pooping in the potty has been the most effective thing I’ve ever done (my older kids still talk about it to this day)! I usually get 7-10 toys; and by the time they get all of them they’re usually potty trained by that point.

We use pull-ups at night until they start waking up dry.  Then, when we’re out of the house we make sure to take a lot of extra clothes and underwear! All of my kids were done with napping by the time we potty trained, but if they still napped I’d put pull-ups on for that as well!

Let me know what potty training tips you guys have tried that has worked for you!!

Thanks for stopping by!








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