My Want (Dream) List

polvore 3

Chanel polo sweater  / Tory Burch fur vest / J Brand j-brand jeans / Christian Louboutin high heel,  / Chanel quilted leather handbag / Chanel vintage style earrings

This is definitely my dream I want some day list!!  Haha I will keep telling myself one day!  But I am thinking about splurging on my favorite brand of jeans and getting those cute boyfriend style ones! They would be perfect not only for the winter but the spring and summer also! If you are looking for a good quality pair of  jeans, J Brand is a great one! As far as the rest I will keep dreaming!!

All I know is right now is the time to shop!! There are sales all over the place! This is when I get all my winter clothes cause they are so much cheaper. The other day I got a pair of nice leather boots half off and yesterday I got a nice cozy sweater for 7 bucks at the Gap. You cant beat that. So everyone go get your shop on!

And the winner of the giveaway for the lovely blue clutch is Mary Rosalee! Email me you address so I can send it to you! Thank you all so so much for the wonderful comments and Birthday wishes! You made my day that much better! I will be doing another fun giveaway soon!

Hope you all have a Happy Tuesday! Thanks so much for reading!






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