DIY Embellished Sweaters

I have been loving all the embellished sweaters this season. My sister DeeNa and me decided to make our own! And you will be amazed at how easy and fun it is. And they make great Christmas presents!

Step 1: Find a plain sweater. New or old it doesn’t matter. We got our’s at Target.

Step 2: We got are jewels and glue at Hobby Lobby but you can get them at any craft store. Lay the jewels out on the sweater how you would like them to look, then add a little glue to each of them one at a time. (the glue is strong so you don’t need alot and make sure you know exactly how you want them before you start glueing)

Step 3: Find a flat surface and make sure to let the glue dry for at least 30 minutes. Also make sure you hand wash it instead of machine wash!

Thanks for reading!


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