Stocking Up On Walmart School Supplies

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Essential Walmart School Supplies featured by top US life and style The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Lettie: Outfit Set | Sandals (similar) | Headband | Backpack

Londyn: Outfit Set | Headband | Sandals | Backpack

Me: Tee | Jeans | Sneakers



Hey babes! My kids just started school and they are LOVING it! Lettie is in Kindergarten this year (thank heavens, she was so ready!) and she doesn’t miss me at all! haha

Did anyone else get their school supplies lists and feel like crying!? haha That is me EVERY year!! These kids need so much stuff for school!  Walmart has pretty much everything you’ll ever need, though, so we ordered it all and got stocked up! And not just on pencils and highlighters and things, but all the backpacks, lunch boxes, outfits, everything! I love Walmarts school supplies page, too, because it sections out all the supplies that you’ll need based on your kids ages.  Here’s a bunch of the stuff that was on our list, check it out!


Happy school shopping!! Thanks for stopping by!



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