The Ultimate Guide to Getting Toned + Feeling Strong!

Hey guys! Now that we’re almost two full months into 2022, have you stuck to your fitness goals or are you needing to get back on track? Either way, I’m always so excited to talk about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program with you guys. If you’ve followed along here you know how big of a fan I am of this program. It’s incredible and there’s a reason I keep going back to it! I talked all about the program, what it is, how it works and why I hope you decide to take part in this program along with me HERE. If you missed it, check it out and then come back and read this post! It’ll give you a summary of what I’ve been doing and give you all the information you need to get started yourself with the program.

Over this last session I’ve done, I’ve LOVED my results. I’ll start by saying – my main focus isn’t and wasn’t to lose weight. Mainly I’ve been looking to feel stronger, overall better and to have more energy and that’s exactly what I get when I use the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program. I also feel as if my body is more toned and if you read my first post about the program, you know it’s my go-to post-baby. I do the 6-12 week programs and by now, I can use the tools they provide during the program’s length and what I learned and apply it to my daily life. That’s the best part about this program, it sets you up for success and isn’t just a fad diet!

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program is the perfect way to learn all about getting on track, getting healthy and to have your body feeling good and strong which are my two main goals and have been for a while now. Full disclosure, I don’t weigh myself. I don’t own a scale and just don’t believe in them – I go solely by how my clothes fit and how I feel physically and even mentally. Since I started this round of the program 12 weeks ago I can already see such incredible results in every single aspect. My clothes fit so much better, I feel better, my energy level has definitely increased and probably most importantly, I can chase my kids around and take them from activity to activity without being as exhausted!

When you use FASTer Way to Fat Loss, you get customized workouts that fit your needs and fit your lifestyle. They’re SO awesome because you can get them right from their dedicated app and everyday there’s a workout that is 30 minutes long. It’s so nice because the workout suits me and my personal goals and if you’re busy and on the go, you just need 30 minutes to get your workout in. Even the busiest of us can put aside 30 minutes for a workout that’ll set us up for a great day!

I wanted to make a point to talk specifically about my workouts because one of the most frequently asked questions I get from you guys is if I workout daily. I don’t workout every day, and while sometimes I wish I did, if I get 4 workouts in per week, it’s a really good week. My goal is usually 5 workouts a week if at all possible, but that’s almost unheard of for me more times than not! Haha and to all the other busy mamas out there reading this, I’m sure you can relate. Although that should never be something that deters you from working out and even more so if you enjoy it! These 30 minute workouts are great to give you some “you” time when you need it but they also won’t bud into your day too much where it hinders other responsibilities and other things going on. On the other hand, if you can and do workout every day, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program is super flexible and also gives you the option of having a new workout given to you daily. I love that you can customize it to your exact wants, needs and lifestyle and to be honest, I think that’s really the main reason I keep coming back to this program! I have never found anything else like it and since I’m usually running around and on the go every day that’s the most important thing I could ask for in a program like this.

That being said, let’s talk about the workouts that the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program offers… They have HIIT workouts, weight training workouts and cardio workouts and the mix of the three is perfect. You can get a little bit of each in or just stick to your favorites, or even alternate them by days! The workouts are meant to target your muscle groups and again, since getting toned is my main goal and what the scale says absolutely doesn’t matter to me, this is huge for me.

When it comes to the meal prep part of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, you really can’t go wrong. I’m all about healthy eating and getting in a healthy meal each time I eat and the program makes that sooo easy! It’s really incredible how much time and effort they put into making the perfect program that lets you eat what you like but in the way that’s best for your body and for your specific fitness goals. If you ask me, it’s not about being “skinny”, it’s all about being strong, feeling beautiful, looking your best and being happy most importantly. I always encourage anyone who asks for my advice to think of it the same way – if you feel good, you look good and I don’t think anything else could matter more! I used to be obsessed with being skinny and focused so, so, so much on what the scale said. The day I got rid of my scale was the best day, haha! Now I can’t imagine going back to that – it’s 100% about feeling good and strong in every sense. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss meal portion of the program is all about eating healthy foods that will help fuel your mind and body. Think about it, the more healthy foods you incorporate the better you’re going to feel! That’s why the way this program’s meal plan is set up is a foolproof way to set you up for success when you do one of the programs. I cannot stress enough how important eating and feeling good is and of course, why you should always make that your main focus whether you’re doing one of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss programs or not.

The food on the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program is easy to make and possibly the best part about the entire thing is that they’ll tell you what to buy at the grocery store, how much food each recipe will make, how to cook it, the whole nine yards. It’ll also have your macros listed which you also know I love if you’ve heard me talk about this healthy living program before! Just a quick macros recap for you: I’m a HUGE fan of tracking macros and I think that’s also why I’ve been so successful with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program! Tracking your macros is a way of eating where you balance your meals with proteins, carbs and fats in each meal. I attribute it all to that and it’s one of the aspects I took out of the program and into my daily life even once the 6 week programs end each time I do them. In my honest opinion, whether you are looking to lose weight or just get toned and feel stronger and overall better like I am with this program, you have to try FASTer Way to Fat Loss out. Tracking your macros is such a great process and I love how much they really aim to teach you about doing just that! It’s not just throwing information at you without explanation or telling you WHY – you’ll truly understand tracking your macros, how to do it, why it works and then you’ll see results and FEEL your best, which is worth it in itself.

To all my fellow mamas out there, this is your sign to start the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program! If you’ve been looking for something you think will work for you and your busy life or just want something you think you’ll actually enjoy, I cannot recommend this program enough. And the best part is we can support each other with it! I know all too well how important it is to get back to feeling like yourself post-baby and it’s no exaggeration to say that this program has really helped me reach my best each time I’ve started it after having my babies. Putting some time aside for YOU and doing something for you and that’ll better you is so much more than that too – as a mom you know you have to do things for yourself at times and I really stand by saying that this program will help you be a better mom, woman, wife and person in general. Everyone has something, and this program will undoubtedly be that for you.

To my non-mama friends, this program is also for YOU! If you’re trying to live a healthier lifestyle, are trying to get in shape for your wedding, just want to get toned before the summer or anything else at all, I just know you will love the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program. For as long as I can remember I’ve tried all sorts of different fads, trends and programs and nothing ever has compared to this one. Like I always say, there’s definitely a reason (or two – or ten!) that I constantly find myself coming back to this one. It’s incredible in every sense.

I shared my before and after pictures with you guys to keep it real of course and so you could see my progress! I love documenting it and seeing how far I’ve come and I think we can definitely agree what a great feeling that is. I share this program with you guys so much because I love it and really have been using it – and when I get asked what I’m doing I get so excited to share it! As a mom of four little kids, I’m always on the go and the fact that my energy level is this high and how strong I feel, I will always swear by the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program! If you decide to try it out, let me know so we can support each other and so you have someone you can bounce ideas and thoughts off of. It’s such a great program and I feel like each time I do it I see even more success and more of a change in my body and mindset. And let’s be honest, there’s really no other program out there that focuses on more than just your physique. I love how fresh my mind is and how I wake up feeling ready to go for the day – it makes conquering a busy day that much easier and feel that much more doable! I know you can relate in some capacity haha. So throw away those scales, get into the right mindset and get ready to feel and look your best. You will see results with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program and I think we can all agree that there’s nothing quite like a satisfyingly difference in your before and after pictures!

If you have yet to try FASTer Way to Fat Loss, get started here. And of course, feel free to ask me any questions you may have about it! It’s a must-try program and I guarantee that once you try it, you’ll be so glad you did and will immediately look forward to starting enough 6 week set. Let me know if you have any questions! xx, Latisha



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