All About the Faster Way to Fat Loss Program


2 months postpartum

8 months postpartum

16 months postpartum (today!)


Hey guys! If you made fitness goals for 2022, how are they going a month in? Now that we’re a full month into the new year I figured it was a good time to share with you guys some of my favorite ways to get toned and lose any extra weight I’m trying to! And sharing it now is a good way to try and help you stay on track and not fall off the wagon just because January is over, you know what I mean?! Haha. That’s where Faster Way to Fat Loss comes in… it’s a virtual fitness and nutrition company that helps to teach you how to burn fat and live a healthier lifestyle in the BEST, most positive ways possible. It almost sounds too good to be true but I’m happy to tell you that it really does work and is a great program to use to lose weight effectively and in the healthiest way!

I started this program originally for the first time after I had Londyn. Each time I’ve done the program it’s been a really good kickstart to get me back into shape and get me moving again in a way and pace I’m comfortable with. I really loved it after the first round so from then I always knew I’d keep it in mind for when I wanted or needed to do it again! I did the six-week session and got back to my pre-baby weight after having her and more importantly, I felt really good about my post-baby body.

A little disclaimer that I want to make sure I share: after having each of my babies, I waited until they were a year old before I got back into a training program and before I got into doing a strict fitness program of any kind. While I know everyone is different, I’ve always felt that after having a baby, I just have wanted to enjoy them and that time with them and the newborn stage and also to give my body some time to recover post-birth. I’ve always tried my hardest to focus on working out and eating healthy while pregnant and even post-baby, but as far as a workout/training program is concerned, it’s always been my personal preference to give it a year’s time to get back into focusing on fitness. I’ve found that doing so has also helped me to enjoy it more, be something I look forward to and be really be proud of the results I’ve seen after I get back into it each time!

After I got pregnant with and had Crew, I knew this would be the program that I went back to when I was ready for it and right after he turned a year old I did just that! I just finished their six-week program today and love the results I’ve seen AND how I feel. There’s just something about actually enjoying your fitness program that makes it that much easier and more enjoyable to get through and see to the end. The worst thing is when you feel like you’re having to push through it without actually loving it – that should never be the goal with a fitness journey!

I’m so excited because you can join me for another one of their six-week programs starting tomorrow! I can’t recommend this program enough and I really think you guys will love it too. Some of my favorite features about the Faster Way to Fat Loss plan is that it’s essentially just adding 30-minute programs into your workout each day – this makes it so easy to not miss a day as a busy mom or busy woman in general! Even in the busiest of schedules, you can always find 30 minutes for yourself and for something you enjoy. They’ve also taught me so, so much about macro eating and counting my daily macros. Tracking your macros means that you’re balancing your carb, protein and fat intake and they even have a calculator that they provide that helps you figure out your macro number and teaches you how to track how many you’ve eaten each day. I never realized how important these were to track and while there’s plenty of alternatives, I’ve found it to be one of the most effective ways to track what I’m eating. It’s something I love to focus on now even when I’m not doing one of their programs and I have the Faster Way to Fat Loss program to thank for that! I think a lot of the time I was either under-eating or over-eating portions and it definitely has made a drastic difference now that I know how to successfully track my macros.

Faster Way to Fat Loss also offers an incredibly well put together intermittent fasting guide to use for your diet which has always helped me with weight loss and proves to be a really great lifestyle change for SO many reasons. It’s something I try to stick to regardless of whether I’m doing one of their six-week programs or not and I know it’s something you’ve likely heard of before and maybe have even tried out. It’s not as scary as it may sound and really does make a huge difference – it’s also MUCH more enjoyable than you’d think! A cool feature they offer on their website is to get a free intermittent fasting guide and a sample of their meal plan – this is a great way to decide if it’s the right program for you, but I guarantee you’ll love it and will be so ready to sign up!

Speaking of food, I also really have loved their meal plans that they provide with their programs. They’re healthy recipes and maybe even more importantly they’re so yummy! The worst thing about a healthy lifestyle diet is when it’s not enjoyable food. It makes it that much harder to stick to, and really you should always be enjoying what you put into your body! It’s fun to learn what healthy foods you do love and how you can incorporate them into your daily meals too. It’s also super easy to meal prep with this program and the meal plans they provide so you can always make sure that you’re getting a healthy meal in. Each person on the program gets their own, personalized meal plan weekly and what’s really cool is that they customize it to you. You can even get a custom meal plan if you are vegan! But the other cool thing about the Faster Way to Fat Loss program is that these meal plans are solely for your convenience – it’s not a must to follow it for the program! Although trust me you guys, you’ll be excited to follow their meal plans and it’ll make everything THAT much easier for you. If you’re super busy, that’s even more helpful! Haha. Less thinking about what meals you’re going to make which helps sooo much when you’re crazy busy during the week. If I didn’t have their meal plan to follow, I don’t know that I would be as successful with it because especially this time of year, I’m constantly carpooling the kids around to and from school and to their activities on any given weekday. A lot of the team it’s fairly easy to not think twice about what I’m eating, but with the Faster Way to Fat Loss meal plans and being able to meal plan for the week, I’m getting in my macros and don’t have to worry about what or when I’ll eat dinner for example on any given day.

The founder of Faster Way to Fat Loss, Amanda Tress, is a certified nutrition coach, a strength and conditioning coach and a personal trainer. She began experimenting to get her clients the best results possible and since putting together this program she’s been able to help more than 150,000 clients virtually! By the way, isn’t it so cool that this is virtual?! I love that! I also love what she stands for and how she aims to teach men and women alike that you can get healthy in your own way and time without spending a fortune, without having a ton of extra time to devote in already busy days and of course, the program she’s put together here for everyone to use.

Overall, after this most recent time around of doing the Faster Way to Fat Loss six-week program, I’ve seen inches disappear from both my thighs and stomach and I feel so much more toned than I did before the program began. I feel so much better too even aside from losing weight – my energy levels are up and I feel much healthier in every aspect. Feeling so good has also helped me to stay motivated to stay on track which is another huge bonus for me. I decided that I’m going to do one more six-week program now and then I think personally (as of now!) I’ll feel as if I’m good to go to be able to maintain my weight and stay on track with my healthy lifestyle.

Another huge bonus about the Faster Way to Fat Loss program is that you don’t need to have a gym membership to do this program. I know that’s sometimes necessary and also know it’s not always easy to get to the gym every day. Now more than ever before, being able to do a workout at home or from where ever you can or are comfortable to is SO important. They offer gym, at-home and low impact programs so that you have the option to do whichever one fits your lifestyle and daily routine best. Isn’t that awesome?! That’s one of the many ways you know that they truly care about becoming your best self – they made so many options for whatever fits your daily routine best. Being able to seamlessly add in your workouts to an already busy daily routine is so crucial for success when doing a program like this in my opinion! The main difference with Faster Way to Fat Loss vs other popular programs is that they promote healthy living – they aim to teach you what’s healthy and how to live an overall better, healthier lifestyle. They’re promoting losing weight, yes, but the healthy lifestyle that goes along with losing weight is so important and impactful and something that many other programs don’t offer or ever really focus on. It’s incredible to see what little differences can make too both in your workouts and in your eating habits. That’s always one of the main things I re-learn and take away from each six-week program I’ve done with Faster Way to Fat Loss!

I really love that at Faster Way to Fat Loss they actually promote that they care about seeing their clients get to a spot where they’re living a healthier lifestyle in every aspect. They don’t aim to restrict you and what you can eat or not eat (which is HUGE! Who doesn’t love to treat themselves once in a while, right?) and they really do a great job at separating themselves from other weight loss programs. The main difference from my perspective is that seeing success at the end of a program is just as important as feeling really good about yourself and that’s true in more ways than just how you look physically.

I can’t recommend Faster Way to Fat Loss enough if you are looking to lose weight or even just get on a better diet and live a better, healthier life. It’s been a total game changer for me and the fact that I keep going back to it says all you need to know! It’s a great tool that I wish more people knew about so I’m so excited to be sharing it with you guys. If you have already used Faster Way to Fat Loss, already use it or think you’re going to try it out, let me know! We can help each other stay on track!






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