The Perfect Workout Plan for Busy Moms

Workout Plan for Busy Moms featured by top US life and style blog The Girl in the Yellow Dress; Image of the woman wearing Adidas hat, Adidas sweater, Outdoor Voices leggings and Halogen sneakers.


Workout Plan for Busy Moms featured by top US life and style blog The Girl in the Yellow Dress; Image of the woman wearing Adidas hat, Adidas sweater, Outdoor Voices leggings and Halogen sneakers.

Workout Plan for Busy Moms featured by top US life and style blog The Girl in the Yellow Dress; Image of the woman wearing Adidas hat, Adidas sweater, Outdoor Voices leggings and Halogen sneakers.

Hat | Leggings | Adidas Sweatshirt | Sneakers


Ok all you ladies out there, lets get real for a minute. Being a mom is no joke! I’ve mentioned before about how I feel like I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off (seriously though haha!) ever since we started the 3 kid journey. Keeping up with school and activities and work is nuts, and it’s so so hard to find time to workout! Here is where I’m at on the workout situation and the workout plan for busy moms I’ve been following.

Last year I wrote a post about my healthy eating journey, so if you missed it, check it out here!  I’m not quite doing everything that I started last year, for example, I’m not strictly following a macro diet anymore. I loved it and still love the idea of a macro diet, but I found that it took a little too long for me to measure everything out to be exact. That being said, I still believe a lot of things that I wrote about in that post! I still don’t have a scale to weigh myself (best thing ever) and I still believe that being healthy is about feeling good and feeling balanced. Also I don’t love “diets” just healthy eating!




Hat | Leggings | Adidas Sweatshirt | Sneakers

Workout Plan for Busy Moms

The workout plan that has worked well with mom-life is really simple! I’ve been able to make it to the gym just a a few nights a week because life is busy, and that’s ok!  When I miss the gym, I try to at least get a quick 20-30 min workout in with my Mirror (check out my post on the Mirror here). When I workout, I try to concentrate on toning with weights that will build help muscle. I don’t do as much cardio as I use to (10-15 minutes at the gym) but I don’t have a specific routine that I follow every week. I just make sure to always target all muscle groups that week. That’s it! There are definitely days that I don’t find time to exercise, and that’s ok with me! This workout plan for busy moms is basically me trying my best, and not beating myself up like I use too if I’m too busy with Mom duty!

Thanks for stopping by!


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