Botox vs Fillers and My Experience

Botox vs Fillers and My Experience featured by top San Francisco beauty blog The Girl in the Yellow Dress


Botox vs Fillers:

I’ve been asked so many times to talk a little bit on the blog about what I think of Botox vs fillers and if I get them done, etc. I honestly don’t get them done on a regular basis, and I haven’t had it done much. Now that I’m not pregnant or breastfeeding, though, I finally got them last month by my girl Sheri at Allure. I’ve been a little nervous sharing because I don’t want anyone to think I’m here to tell anyone that they “need” to get anything done, and it can be pretty pricey. Everyone has their own opinions on this stuff, and I think it’s totally up to you! And to be honest for the longest time I was against any of this and thought I would never get it done! As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned more about it and realized that it’s actually not as permanent or scary as I thought it was. You can do it as much or as little as you like, it doesn’t have to be something that you get done every 4 months. I kind of started thinking about getting filler and Botox as something to start doing here and there, while some people like thinking about it as a regular thing like getting their hair or nails done. Some people go into it with goals of not having to wear makeup or use filters for their skin in pictures. Everyone is different.

That being said, here is a little bit of basic info about Botox vs fillers that I’ve learned over the past year or so. Around the age of 25, we as humans tend to loose about 1.7% of our collagen (the protein in our bodies that helps to provide our skin with structure).  That means that by our 50’s, we can loose up to 50% of our natural collagen.

Filler is injected to places where collagen has been lost to replace the volume loss. The thing to remember about filler is that it should never look “fake”. If you see someone that looks “fake”, they have most likely gotten implants, plastic surgery, or had WAY too much filler (which is generally less that a teaspoon when done correctly). When filler is injected, you can see the effects immediately so you can bring a mirror and watch as your injector does a little at a time to make sure you are happy with the results. Filler generally lasts anywhere from 6-24 months. Botox on the other hand is used to relax lines and relaxes muscles. It can take up to 2 weeks to take full effect and it usually lasts for about 3-4 months. Both Botox and fillers are temporary.

A lot of people have asked how to know where to go. A general rule of thumb is that you should always see someone’s before and after photos before getting anything done. Go to someone who’s had all the correct training and that you trust and connect with. I recently went into my friend Sheri at Allure Rejuvenation Center in Walnut Creek (love her, she’s amazing) and got a little Botox in my forehead, and also little filler in my cheeks and lips to replace volume loss. Every time I loose my baby weight the first thing to lose is the fat in my cheeks. Sheri and I clicked when we met and I feel super comfortable with her. A filler called Voluma is one of the thicker fillers that she used for me in the cheeks. Volbella is the thinnest filler and is what was used for me in the lips. Filler appointments are usually scheduled for 60 min time slots at Allure to make sure nothing is rushed, and Botox appointments are usually scheduled for 30 min even though the actual injecting only takes about 10.

I’ve also had people ask me if it hurts. Every time I’ve gone, they’ve put a really strong topical numbing on me that has kept it from really hurting. Allure also uses something called the Microcannula technique (a lot of places are using this now) rather than needles to reduce bruising, swelling and other complication risks.

Overall, I’ve been happy with my experience and I would recommend looking into it for anyone who feels like it’s the right move for them. Since I went in, I’ve felt more fresh and rejuvenated, and because everything is temporary and just a little bit I’m not stressed about any permanent decisions.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me or go check out Sheri at Allure Rejuvenation Center! She’s the best and she’d be happy to answer any question you have!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


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