Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda


There are days when I have the time and energy to put together a super cute fall outfit, but let’s be honest with each other. There are probably more days when I just can’t. lol I promise it might seem like I have my stuff together, but we’re really just running around like crazy people! 3 kids is no joke, and I feel like half the time I’m just trying to remember everyone’s schedule.

So. For those of you like me that have days where it’s hard to remember to get dressed in the first place, I want to share with you guys a few go-to casual fall outfits that I fall back on when I’m too busy or tired to come up with something else.


JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

Long Sleeve Tee | Jeans | Booties  | Sunglasses



Casual Fall Outfits to Fall Back On:

The first look I fall back on is just a plain tee (like this one or this one) and jeans. My motto is that you can never go wrong with a tee shirt and jeans (here are the jeans I’m wearing, I’m really liking them). Throw on some cute tan booties (they match with literally everything) like these ones from JCPenney and there you have it! Easy, casual, quick, and presentable fall outfit.


JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda

JCPenney | Nike | Fashion | Go-to Comfy & Casual Fall Outfits featured by top San Francisco fashion blog Live Laugh Linda



The second look I fall back on is pretty much the definition of comfy. I should call it my run-to-the-grocery-store look, because I’m pretty sure I wear something similar every time I go shopping. lol Joggers (like these ones) are life savers. I probably live in them, let’s be honest. I also really love this sweatshirt and these sneakers. I got these Nike’s last year and wear them way too much! They are still available here at JCPenney.

Check out my look and the cutest fall fashion at JCPenney! I always feel like they’re stuff is really good quality for the price. It’s seriously worth your time, you can thank me later. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by!


Loving this casual fall outfits feature? Take a look here for more of my favorites looks!


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