How to Be the Best Version of Yourself

Be the Best Version of Yourself by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Be the Best Version of Yourself by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress


My Look: Jeans | Shirt | Cardigan | Sneakers | Print

Ever since the beginning of the year I’ve been thinking about self improvement. I don’t want to look back at my time and feel like I’ve been floating, you know? And I also don’t want to feel pressure to be someone who I’m not. Here are a few things that have helped me as I’ve tried to work on being the best version of myself while staying true to myself.

How to Be the Best Version of Yourself

1.Be prepared to change. In order to start your self improvement, you’re going to need to leave behind some parts of your life that might make you feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. This doesn’t mean that you’re “trying to be someone you’re not”, it just means that you’re keeping and improving on the good parts. There is no growth in the comfort zone, and there is no comfort in the growth zone!

2. Acknowledge your fear. You can’t let fear limit you, or you’ll be stuck in your personal progression forever. But if you acknowledge that you have fears, you can work toward moving past them. What you’re looking for might just be at the edge of your comfort zone. Check out this post I did about becoming a blogger. If you’re interested in blogging but have been nervous, you need to read it.

3. Powerful people never stop learning. Actively educate yourself about topics that are either useful or interesting to you. Knowledge can literally set your mind free and open doors that were closed. One thing I always do is getting inspiration from others. Podcasts are amazing way’s to keep learning. I’ve loved the Skinny Confidential and anything Tony Robbins.

4. Serve other people. This is something that as a mom, you do all the time. But a lot can be said for putting other people first and taking the time to love others before yourself. A lot can be learned about life and humility and happiness by serving other people.

It’s one of my goals to focus on self improvement and become a better version of myself and to not be afraid of changing for the better. What do you do to become the best version of yourself?

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