My Favorite Lightroom Presets: How I Edit Pictures

My Favorite Lightroom Presets by popular lifestyle blogger The Girl in the Yellow Shirt

My Favorite Lightroom Presets by popular lifestyle blogger The Girl in the Yellow ShirtMy Favorite Lightroom Presets by popular lifestyle blogger The Girl in the Yellow ShirtMy Favorite Lightroom Presets by popular lifestyle blogger The Girl in the Yellow Shirt

 Tee | Jeans | Belt | Gucci Bag | Gold Necklace | Black Hat | Sneakers

Lettie Striped Top | Leggings | Sneakers | Sunnies

If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve started to edit pictures differently lately! I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what I’m using so I thought I’d let you all in on the scoop.

Meg’s Lightroom Presets

So everyone and their dog are selling their Lightroom presets these days. (Presets are like photo filters in case you’re new to the photo editing game.) I love so many of them, but I couldn’t get enough of Meg’s Lightroom presets. She is from, and a friend of mine and she’s absolutely the cutest. I’ve loved her pictures for a really long time. I bought her presets and I’ve been editing with them in Lightroom ever since. When you edit pictures, keep in mind that every picture is different, so you usually have to play around with some of the settings a little bit after applying the preset. I use a few different presets of hers. I choose what preset I want to use based on what the original picture looks like. Some presets look better with outdoor photos, etc… You really just have to try a few until you find one that works best for your photo. I seem to have to change the lighting. color, etc, depending on how the picture looks.

As far as camera’s go, I usually use a Canon 5D with a 50mm lens for most of my pictures, but I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I also use my phone quite a bit. haha To get a good picture, make sure that you have good lighting. Natural lighting is usually best, and it’s ideal if you can get it to light you from the side or the front. I think pictures generally look better when there is movement in them, so don’t be afraid to walk, flip your hair, sip a milkshake, etc… haha. So that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing! It’s nothing too crazy.

Here is a before and after of a few shots at the cutest diner in the entire world. (We went to Mel’s Diner in Walnut Creek for the first time ever and the milkshakes were so stinking good! If you live in the Bay Area, you’ve got to go.)

My Favorite Lightroom Presets by popular lifestyle blogger The Girl in the Yellow Shirt

Look at how fun these Lightroom presets are! I might be getting a little too excited but I was feeling like it was time for a change with how my pictures were looking, and this has been really fun.

Thanks for stopping by!



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