Happy Galentines Day!

Top row: Tamryn, me, Katie Dean, Mandie, Erika, Katie, Brooke
Bottom row: Kelsey, Veronica, Shannon, Sarah

My Look: Jeans | Ruffle Top | Purse | Heels | Necklace

Happy Galentines Day everybody! I think Casey is great and everything, and I love Valentines day, but this year let’s hear it for all the amazing women in our lives! There is nothing better than the feeling of community and support that you feel when so many powerful and amazing women get together.

My friend Sarah hosted a Galentines Day Brunch at Le Maria’s Bakery in San Fransisco. You guys, Le Marias was one of the most beautiful bakeries I’ve ever been to. It was so cute. The owner is from France, and he makes the pastries and breads fresh every morning. What else do you need in life? haha There are a few locations in San Francisco I think, but we went to the one in Castro and I absolutely loved it.

I had so much fun spending the morning with some of my fellow bloggers and business owners, who are also some of the best women and I’ve met here in the Bay Area. You might be surprised to know that we blogging gal’s have so much support for each other. There is never any competition between us– we help each other out, support each other, give advice, etc… All these girls are so sweet. It was fun getting the chance to talk about what we’re all doing and celebrating all their hard work and success over the past year. I feel like lately I’ve been so busy with life and with my 3 kids that I’ve been forgetting to take time for myself. Does that happen to you guys? Things in our family never slow down, and it’s an effort for me to step away and go do some self care. I’m glad I took the time to go spend some much needed time with my friends, it was the perfect way to feel the love!

So happy Galentines Day everyone, and thanks for stopping by!



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