A Letter to My Daughters About Love

A Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressA Letter to My Daughters About Love by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

My Look: Sweater  | Jeans | White Turtleneck (similar)| Heels | Bag
Lettie’s Look: Sweater | White Shirt | Leggings | Booties (similar)
Londyn’s Look: White Cardigan | Jeans sold out (similar here) | Bow | Moccasins


We went on a Mommy daughter date and check out these matching sweaters from ChicWish! Matching mommy daughter outfits are my weakness haha And Lettie loves being just like me, so it’s a win win. ChicWish has a ton of cute matching outfits, you guys have to check them out.

With Valentines day coming up, I wanted to write a letter to my girls for them to read when they’re older. In the world today it’s really hard to feel confident in yourself– your true self, especially for women. Sometimes it scares me thinking about the world my kids will live in, and wanted my girls to know a few small things that I’ve learned about love over the years.


This Valentines day I wanted to write you girls a letter about love, and a few things that I’ve learned about it.

1. Love Yourself

When people start to love themselves, it’s amazing the way their lives change. It’s so simple, but then again, the most important things in life often are the most simple. Life is really a journey of discovering yourself– discovering who you are and who you can become.

So many people don’t know who they really are because they spend so much time trying to morph themselves into someone that others want them to be. Some people refuse to love themselves because they haven’t lost the weight, or they haven’t gotten the raise, or they haven’t met “the one”, or whatever. They’re putting conditions of their love, but the thing about life is that it changes! You change, I change, everyone is constantly growing and learning. Slow down and enjoy the journey. Love is something you choose, and you deserve to love yourself.

When you decide to accept who you are, accept that you’re imperfect and learning and growing, and start to love yourself, you gain confidence. You become happier with life. Your relationships will improve with your family, with your friends. You’ll accomplish goals.

2. Finding the Right One

Loving yourself is one of the first steps to finding the right person for you. Respect yourself, believe that you are important and worth it because you are. Don’t you dare let other people convince you otherwise.

The best example you could ever look for in a man is your father. When I was dating, my mom told me to find someone who loves their mother and treats her well. And I did– your father is an amazing example of that. He loves is mother and treats her like a queen. And remember the way he treats me, and the way he treats you girls. That is the kind of man I want for each of you.

Follow your hearts and believe that you deserve the best because you do.

Love, Mom

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