New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressNew Year Resolutions by popular San Francisco lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Ok, I know I’m a little late. It’s almost February, but believe it or not, I actually have a lot of goals that I wanted to achieve in 2018. I had so many New Year Resolutions that I broke them up into categories, so here we go!


Spiritual New Year Resolutions

  1. Pray. On my knees. Every night. This is seriously the most basic principle to spiritual wellbeing, but I struggle with it somtimes! I want to get better at talking to God and gaining a closer relationship with Him.
  2. Daily inspirational study. I want to find time to listen to the scriptures or a General Conference talk (a speech given by the leaders of my church) every day after taking Rowen from school.
  3. Prepare for church. Our family is late to church almost every week and I want this to end! I’m making it a goal to be on time to church, and try to do better about prepareing for the lessons that I teach ahead of time.

Physical New Year Resolutions

  1. Make it to the gym 4-5 times a week. I want to really focus at the gym and concentrate on each muscle. I need to start actually working hard! Half the time at the gym I’m getting caught up on emails and I’m only half concentrating on actually exercising.
  2. Daily ab routine with the hubs. So far we haven’t done so hot on this one. haha But Casey and I want to work on our abs together, which is kind of funny and also kind of cute.
  3. Stay on my macro diet. I started this diet with my girl Allison and she’s been helping me to gain and maintain muscle while I loose my baby weight with a macro diet so that I don’t always look like a freaking 12 year old boy!
  4. Survive. This is a completely serious goal, don’t laugh. I really would just like to get through the year and come out alive haha.

Motherhood New Year Resolutions

  1. Read with the kids. I want to read with both my kids for at least 20 min a day. Books are so powerful and if I can teach my kids to like reading, I feel like I’ll be setting them up for success. I also want to read something spiritual with my kids everyday, even if it’s something little. I feel like they need a little more spiritual learning added to their daily routines.
  2. 20 min of active play every day. This may sound silly to some moms haha Both of my kids are happy just being couch potatoes, so I want to make sure that they’re doing a sport or dance or something outside for at least 20 min every day.
  3. Learn new games on tablets weekly. These kids just love their dumb youtube videos! I try to keep their screen time to a minimum (only on Sundays after church), but I would like it if they were doing something a little more interactive on their screens instead of just watching cartoons.

Now, we all know that keeping goals is so, so hard. So I’m going to make sure I look back and refresh my memory of all these New Year Resolutions often so that I can actually accomplish a few before the year is over! Wish me luck haha

What about you? What are your New Year Resolutions?



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