5 Cheap Ways to Update Your Home Decor



Raise your hand if you’ve had this experience: You’re getting some shopping done at Target with three crazy kids, you have to get home before bedtime and you’re late (again), but then you stroll past the home decor section and all of a sudden bed time takes a back seat and you turn the cart in for just a few minutes? haha Or heaven forbid you walk through West Elm or World Market “just to look around” and you walk out with at least 3 things to update your home decor. I’m guilty, who’s with me?! Especially at the beginning of the year I always have the urge to redecorate every room in my home with all the new, beautiful things. But, let’s be honest. When you update your home decor, it can get pretty pricey, and sometimes I find myself feeling guilty about spending more than I wanted to. But at the same time, that home decor section just keeps calling my name!

One thing that has helped me feel like I update my  home decor without spending too much or having the pressure of redoing an entire room is by adding or replacing just a few simple things every season. Pillows, throws, art, lamps– something small that won’t break the bank, but makes you feel like you’re in a fresh new environment. Pillows are especially easy to update and they really do change the entire look of your space. I’m also a sucker for a good cozy throw blanket (we have so many at our house, it’s getting out of control). Throws are another easy way to refresh your living room and update your home decor.

This method of slowly updating home decor has been a game changer, and there are some really beautiful things out there that you can choose from. Check out some of my favorite things to update your home decor for the new year!

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