6 Holiday Photography Tips for Amazing Family Photos


The holiday season is here, so that means tons of pictures being taken to remember all the wonderful moments the holidays brings! I will tell you, though, that family pictures still aren’t super easy to put together. Even with all my practice! But it has gotten a little easier these days. I have a few holiday photography tips and tricks I swear by that have really helped me a lot in taking great pictures and family pictures! Even though family pictures can still be a pain in the butt, I NEVER regret them when I get pictures back. Looking at all of my pictures through out the year with my family makes me so happy, and I cherish every single one of them. Even though the process of getting them is not always fun + a lot of work, it’s so worth it. So here are my holiday photography tips, hopefully they can help you get some amazing pictures!

Holiday Photography Tips

1. Plan ahead what colors to wear. When picking out the perfect colors to wear for family photos I always stay with a similar color palettes depending on the time of year and location. I love neutrals (grey, cream, white’s), blue tones, grey + black for Christmas, with pops of red. I also love blush pink for the girls to wear- it goes along great with grey, white, tan colors. If you can’t find a great color scheme you can always do white and grey. I feel like they go with a lot of different things and photograph great. But make sure to factor in your outfits depending on the location. That makes a huge difference. If your taking Christmas pictures they’re always so cute at a tree farm, like the pictures above.

2. Take photos at least a month in advance. I have found it some much easier if you plan at least a month ahead pictures go SO much smoother. Go on Pinterest and get some ideas of the looks you want and plan out each look for your family member. Make sure to order online in advance, or shop a couple of weeks before so you have enough time to try things on and make sure they all fit, etc. I always lay them out and make sure the colors and patterns some what go together.

3. Avoid baggy clothes and bad posture! Never wear baggy clothes, they never look great in pictures. Don’t slouch- it’s always important to have the best posture and keep your stomach in. I feel like the camera can make you look bigger then you are in real life so make sure to  always keep everything in. Don’t do anything too crazy with your hair and look. For example if you wear your hair curly all the time, make sure to keep it that and don’t do something drastic to your hair right before pictures. Other wise you will look back on your pictures and always wonder why you decided to change your look for the pictures ( haha trust me I have had this happen too many times).

4. Plan pictures for a time when your kids are usually happy. Make sure to select a time that is best for your kids. After naps and not to late in the evening is the best times I have found. So around 4 or 5 depending on the time change. Also take tons of snack. I swear by those dum dum suckers. I always carry a ton during pics and I make sure that I pick the more lighter colors so it doesn’t stain their mouth and clothes. Also gold fish are a good choice because aren’t to messy and easy to pack around. Make sure to find a photographer that works with kids a lot. That seems to make a huge difference.

5. Always wear more makeup than you usually do. Ladies, ALWAYS wear more makeup when taking pictures. I can’t stress this enough. If you don’t wear more then you will look washed out. I don’t love to wear a lot of makeup on a day to day basis, but for pictures I always put on more then I normally would. Lashes make a huge difference. Wether you get lash extensions, or strip lashes, you have to have them. They help make the eyes pop in pictures. Also wear blush and something on your lips!!! If you don’t do this you will really look washed out. But don’t over so it so you feel or look your self.  Make sure to never skip this step- you will thank me later ;). I will be sharing my go to makeup look for pictures here soon, so stay tuned!

6. Don’t sweat the small stuff! My number one advice, especially if you have kids is not take it too serious. Just go with the flow and don’t stress yourself out too much over pictures. 9 out of 10 times they will turn out perfect even if behind the scenes it was a nightmare haha. Also have fun and try to be yourself in pictures. Play with your kids and try to make it as natural as you can. Those are the best pictures in my opinion.

I hope these holiday photography tips help this year!  Check out some more of my holiday inspo here and here!

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