Happy Halloween + The Yummiest Treat

Happy Halloween!! I love this holiday so much with kids! It’s so fun seeing them dress up and the excitement they get from it all. My kids have been wearing their costumes nonstop this passed week. I posted this yummy treat last week on Instagram and it’s such a good and easy one I thought I would share it on here also. It’s such a perfect treat for your kiddos.  We also loved to make it for my kids classroom.  I may or may not haven’t stopped eating it myself haha. Here is the yummy recipe!

Here is what you need:
1/4 cup Butter
4 cups of miniature marshmallows
4 1/2 cups of Cinnamon Toast Crunch

1. Spray an 11×17 or 9×9 pan with cooking spray
2. In a large pot melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and cook over medium-low heat until marshmallows are completely melted.
3. Once marshmallows are melted, remove pot from heat and add cereal tot he pot, stirring to coat.
4. Press into prepared pan and cool
5. Cut into squares and enjoy!

SO easy and yummy- you will love it! Have a happy and safe Halloween! Thanks for reading friends! xx,


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