Becoming a Mother of 3 and how each Pregnancy was different!

First Response, Pregnancy, Family First Response, Pregnancy, Family First Response, Pregnancy, Family First Response, Pregnancy, Family First Response, Pregnancy, Family

Becoming a mother to my three kids has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me! To be honest, some days I can’t believe I have three kids. Being their mom has forever changed me! It feels like yesterday that I had Rowen and became a mom for the first time (more about that from this post).

Each pregnancy has been different with each kid. I have been very fortunate in that it didn’t take long to get pregnant with each baby. It took me the longest to get pregnant with my second child, Lettie. Instead of just a few weeks, it took 6-8 weeks. Because it took a little longer than the time before, I started researching if there was anything we could do differently! One product that we found and that helped was Pre-Seed Fertility Friendly Lubricant. I love this product because not only does it work well, but it is sperm-friendly!  It’s seriously a great product and I recommend it to anyone trying to get pregnant!

We lived in a different state for each pregnancy and birth! We lived in Utah for Rowen, Arizona for Lettie, and California for Londyn! I guess we have to have a kid in each state we live, haha. Each pregnancy was different in many ways.

With Rowen, I was working a lot, doing hair on my feet all day in St George, Utah. That was hard and demanding, especially because I was nauseous for the first 6 months. With Lettie, I had to endure the crazy heat in Phoenix, including a scorching summer, and was running around with an active two-year-old. That place is so dang hot. As much as I loved it there, I don’t love that heat, especially when pregnant. With Londyn, the biggest challenge was juggling two other kids and my work schedule, all while being sick and exhausted. That was hard! I leaned on my friends and family for help.

After Lettie was born and we were trying for a third I felt so overwhelmed trying to keep up with my schedule. It seemed like I was constantly juggling kids, husband, and work and it left very little time for us to concentrate on growing our family—but it’s what we wanted! I had heard of ovulation kits before but I had never used them. Since I was so busy and felt it couldn’t hurt, I did a little research on ovulation test kits and how they worked and I came across First Response’ Daily Digital Ovulation Test kit. This product is so cool because it shows when you’ve reached your LH surge, indicating that the next 2 days are the most fertile days of your cycle. For me, I’ve found that it’s spot on!

In between ovulation, I tried my best to stay fit and work out with each pregnancy! I feel like I pushed myself harder and worked out a little more with Londyn (baby #3) than the others, and I think it helped me bounce back a little bit quicker after! Probably the weirdest and most surprising thing with my pregnancies is that I don’t crave sweets like I do when I’m not pregnant! For some reason sugar and desserts don’t taste as good to me. I like things like cheeseburgers and fries when pregnant. Now that I’m not pregnant, I’ve ditched the burgers and fries, and I’m back to wanting desserts all the time. It’s crazy how pregnancy changes your taste buds.

All three of my pregnancies were different experiences. I learned so much from each one. Even though I was sick for all three, I was always excited to add another baby to our family. To be honest, having three kids has been hard at times. Trying to manage all three kids and work has been challenging but it’s been so worth it. We couldn’t imagine life without our kids. They keep me on my toes and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am so blessed to be the mother of these 3 kiddos!

Thanks so much fore reading! xx,

This post is sponsored by the maker of First Response. All thoughts are my own etc.




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