Our Journey in Starting a Family!

Pregnancy, Family, First Response, Pregnancy Test - Our Journey in Starting a Family by popular San Diego lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressPregnancy, Family, First Response, Pregnancy Test - Our Journey in Starting a Family by popular San Diego lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressPregnancy, Family, First Response, Pregnancy Test - Our Journey in Starting a Family by popular San Diego lifestyle blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress


Hey guys! It still seems crazy that we are now a family of five, and I am a mom of three! Casey and I have been married for over nine years, which I can’t believe because it feels like it was yesterday. From day one, we have always wanted a family and would talk about starting a family and the day when we would have kids. We knew we wanted to wait a few years after getting married before we started, and we were married for three years when we took the plunge and had our first child, Rowen. I was 27 and Casey was 28, and we both felt like it was time to start a family. We were both nervous, and you never feel fully prepared, but it felt like the right time.

It was the summer of 2010 and I remember going on a long run with one of my friends and being so exhausted. I just didn’t feel like my normal self. Right when I got home I told Casey how I felt and how I thought I could be pregnant. We were full of every emotion! I ran out to grab a pregnancy test and had a ton of choices. I remember spotting a test that gave me results 6 days sooner than the rest so that’s the one I went with. I just had to know! I got home and ran to the bathroom to use my First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test. I knew I could trust First Response because it’s a brand I had heard of for years and it’s known for giving an accurate result. The next thing I knew the test came back positive, I showed Casey right away, and we both couldn’t believe we were starting a family! You had to see the look on Casey’s face! We were both so nervous and excited at the same time! Because it was our first time, we actually took three pregnancy tests in a row to be absolutely positive that we were reading it correctly. It almost seemed like it wasn’t real and I was dreaming, haha. After three positive tests, I finally believed we were pregnant! We were super excited and nervous about this new journey we were getting ready to start!

I was only about six weeks pregnant at the time so I waited a few weeks to tell our families! Rowen was the first grandchild on my side of the family, so we were very excited to tell them. I was planning on surprising them with something fun and creative but I ended up getting sick shortly after I found out I was pregnant, so my mom and everyone knew because I was not acting like myself! I was really sick and definitely did not know what hit me! It was constant nausea that I had never experienced before in my life! It was not fun at all! My family was so excited when they found out, especially because my mom and dad were going to be grandparents for the first time. They had been anxiously awaiting this day! Rowen is the 12th grandchild on the Springer side, and they were just as excited to add another. He is the 9th grandson and 12th overall in the Springer clan. I will never forget the day I found out I was pregnant and was going to become a mother! It was one of the best days ever!

Nothing better than starting a family and becoming a mom! What other mama’s out there agree with me?! Stay tuned for part 2! Thanks so much for reading! Have an awesome Thursday! xx,

This post is sponsored by the maker of First Response. All thoughts are my own etc.



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