Sleep Easy with a Nook Crib Mattress

Hello readers!  With each baby I’ve had, one of the things that stresses me out the most is night time.  I have always worried so much throughout the night with newborn babies, wondering if they are breathing ok and safe!  For this third baby I wanted to reduce my stress as much as possible, so that I could get better sleep myself.  One of the products that has helped with that is the Nook crib mattressThis mattress is seriously the best on the market for babies.  All Nook products are breathable, your baby can actually breathe right through them if they somehow end up face down while sleeping.  You can test it out yourself by holding up a hair dryer on one side of the mattress and you will feel the air come out the other side of the mattress!

Nook uses an exclusive fabric weave to accomplish this breathable design, and it is also water resistant and made from organic materials.  They are designed so a mattress pad or even a crib sheet are no longer needed even!  I chose the Pebble Pure crib mattress for Londyn.  It is hypoallergenic and chemical free which is very important to me.  I feel like one of the most important things you purchase when preparing for a new baby is the mattress that they will be sleeping on each night.  You definitely won’t regret the purchase of a Nook mattress!

Thanks for stopping by to read!  XoXo


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