Day 1 NYFW + 3 Funny Things About Fashion Week!

Dress (also love this one)| Red Boots ( cute similar ones here & here) | Sunnies | Earrings | Bag | Bracelets

Happy Tuesday! I am back from NYC and still trying to get adjusted to west coast time haha. I had such a blast and it was so much fun having Casey come with me this time around. Day 1 fashion week was a great day even though we got in at 4 am and had to be up and going by 8 am. I had so much fun with my Cali blogger friends Camila, Shannon and Sarah, love these girls! We started the day by taking pictures with the amazing and talented Lauren and then off to meetings, Noon by Noor show, more meetings, then ended the day with the Tadashi Shoji show (I always love this show). I wore this look last year to their show! Both shows this day were so good, and I loved all the great looks that will be coming out this Spring and Summer! The fashion world is a funny one, especially at fashion week. Here are 3 funny things that happen every year that I thought would be fun to share since I get a ton of questions about it.

1. The crazier you dress the better I have decided haha. Every year I see some of the weirdest looks I have ever laid my eyes on, and also some of the most well dressed people I have ever seen. I always like go out of the box and wear things I wouldn’t wear on a daily basis. I was so excited I got featured here for the top 50 NYFW street style looks. I felt honored because their is so many great looks on there. Make sure to check it out!

2. There is literally photographers taking pictures everywhere right in front of the entrance to the shows. They snap away and don’t even care about cars or getting hit by one haha, it’s crazy and a little bit ridiculous to be quite honest. But it’s always fun to experience. And the drivers in NYC won’t stop for anything. I’m always amazed at the crazy drivers there, and for my life 😉 haha.

3. Inside the shows everyone is taking pictures and videos the whole time with their phones. They don’t even get to enjoy the show haha. I am guilty of this at some shows. This time around I tried to limit my picture/video time and just enjoy the show and the beautiful clothes. If you look around during the show it’s a sight to see. Thousands of phones everywhere, trying to get the best shot haha, it’s funny!

I have decided the fashion world is a funny/exciting world to be in. I do love it most of the time, but so happy I have my family to come home too at the end of day! This is just a passion that I enjoy and not my whole world (thank goodness). Thanks so much for reading friends! Let me know what question you want to know about fashion week? xx,


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