My Lifesaver At NYFW!

Jacket | White Tee | Black Jeans | Heels (sold out, similar) | Sneakers | Bag | Bracelets | Sunnies | Watch

I received compensation from Dr. Scholl’s® to write this post. All opinions are entirely my own.

Hello everyone!  I’m coming to you from New York City this week!  I’m staying here for fashion week and the energy in New York is always amazing!  I get so excited to see all the incredible fashion while I’m here.  I love getting inspired by all my surroundings too.  Not just the fashion, but also the art, architecture, food, and people. It all seems to energize me and give me a new zest for life!  Who doesn’t love New York City, especially in the fall?

I’ve attended fashion week twice a year now for a couple of years, and I’m here to tell you how much of a beating I used to feel by the end of each day!  You are on your feet all day, constantly running from place to place, barely even having time to eat on some days!  Don’t forget you’re doing all this in high heels most of the time!  I have learned my lesson by now and I’m going to let you in on one of my little secrets!  I am completely obsessed with the Dr. Scholl’s Stylish Step™ Insoles available at Target.  I literally can’t wear a pair of shoes anymore without these!  Want in on another secret?  Sometimes I wear tennis shoes on my way to places and then switch into my high heels when I get to the event! I can walk much faster in my sneakers than stilettos I’ll tell you that!

Dr. Scholl’s Stylish Step™ has different types of insoles even depending on what type of shoe you’re wearing.  For my sneakers, I used Dr. Scholl’s Stylish Step™ Clear Cushioning Insoles for Flats.  They have them for shoe sizes 6-10.  When I switch and put on my high heels, I have Dr. Scholl’s Stylish Step™ High Heel Relief insoles instead.  These also come in shoe sizes 6-10.  My feet and entire body feel such a difference on days that I wear my insoles vs. the days I don’t use them.

Everyone wants to be fashionable and never have to sacrifice their style for comfort.  Using these insoles, you never have to pick one or the other!  You keep your style intact while remaining comfortable throughout the day.  Also keeping it real talk, high heels are seriously not comfortable in general and those who work in heels all day can attest to the pain that always accompanies your feet.  Men have no idea the pain we women have endured in the past just to look good in a pair of heels! But now we don’t have to deal with all of that anymore, these insoles are basically amazing little cushion pillows for your feet, especially the balls of your feet!  Right now you can get a Cartwheel offer for Stylish Step™ at Target, check them out here!

For any new bloggers out there attending fashion week for your first time, if you didn’t pack these in your suitcase then run to your nearest Target and buy some!  Your feet will thank you later!  I always find mine in the foot care section near the pharmacy at my Target.

Thanks for reading!  I’m off to devour this amazing city!  XoXo


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